BASIC PERMACULTURE DESIGN. Anyone from backyard gardeners
to town planners can benefit from this four-weekend course covering
all aspects of permaculture design. There's a balance of classroom
time, field trips, and hands-on experience, and you can get individualized
attention and tips from the expert teaching team. Design your
own site as a final class project. Course runs Saturdays and Sundays,
from October 3 through December 6. Tuition is $495, with $100
cash back if 11 or more students enroll. Call 572-1672 for an
informational brochure.
WATERSMART WORKSHOP. Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del
Norte. 742-6455. The Low 4 program of Pima County's Cooperative
Extension offers It Pays to be WaterSmart, a workshop presented
by J.D. DiMeglio of Horizons West, providing tips on saving water
and money by following basic xeriscape principles. Get information
on drip irrigation systems and how to choose appropriate plants
for your landscape. The workshop takes place from 8:30 a.m. to
4 p.m. Saturday, October 3, in the Wilson Room at Tohono Chul
Park. RSVP to Tucson Water at 791-4331 or Metro Water at 575-8100.
WILDLIFE TRACK COUNT. Search with Sky Island Alliance for
mountain lion and other wildlife tracks in the Canelo Hills, while
contributing to habitat conservation efforts. A camp-out Saturday
evening, October 3, leads into the 7 a.m. to noon tracking on
Sunday, October 4. No experience is necessary as basics of tracking
are taught. Call Andy at 327-1129 or Susie at 323-0547 for information.