GRAY WATER. Women Build Houses, a network dedicated to
increasing women's access to building skills and knowledge, and
to promoting environmentally-safe building, presents a workshop
on the use of gray water. Learn the characteristics of a safe
system while building a simple gray water tank for a washing machine.
Class runs from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 17. Advanced
registration is required, and childcare is available. Class fees
are based on a sliding scale, with a discount for registering
for five classes. Call 206-8000 to register. (Se habla español.)
STRAW BALE HOGAN WORKSHOP. Women Build Houses (Navajo
Chapter) and the Black Mesa Permaculture Project raise the walls
of an octagonal hogan, from October 22 through 25. Topics covered
in the workshop include: the pros and cons of straw bale construction,
solar design considerations, money-saving tactics, how to choose
good bales and raise straight walls, and finishing options for
straw bale walls. The cost is based on a sliding scale from $150
to $375, including meals. Workshop is free for Native American
women. Call Susan at 326-5844 for registration information. Volunteers
are needed in October and November to help haul and peel logs,
move stone, mix mortar, haul materials, and help with the timber
framing. Call Andy at 774-6686 for information.