Events This Week
CONCERTS FOR KIDS. Tucson Center for the Performing Arts.
408 S. Sixth Ave. The Tucson Symphony Orchestra performs "Just
for Kids" at 10 and 11:15 a.m. Saturday, October 3. Join
the TSO Piano Quartet and their kid-friendly Magical Musical Story
Machine. Bring story ideas to help composer/violinist Michael
Fan write a new musical adventure. The program concludes with
a musical version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
SCIENCE TO GO. Borders Books and Music. 4235 N. Oracle
Road. 292-1331. Flandrau Science Center's Science To Go presents
a Journey to Pluto from 1 to 2 p.m. Saturday, October 3.
Children of all ages can observe the properties of liquid nitrogen,
predicting the effects of its cold temperatures on solids, liquids,
and gasses. Benefit Days certificates are handed out by Flandrau
Science To Go staff on October 3, too. Those purchasing books
October 2 through 4 at Borders with a Benefit Days certificate
(also available at Flandrau) will have 15-percent of their purchases
donated to Flandrau. Call Christy Clow at 626-6257, or email christy@u.arizona.edu,
for information on Science To Go. Call Borders at 292-1331 to
find out more about Benefit Days.
BATS, BUBBLEOLOGY, BUGS! Children grades K through 8, and
their parents, can enjoy a series of classes offered by UA Extended
University this fall. Learn the hows and whys of bats; a Saturday
morning class exploring the art and science of bubbles; and classes
for preschoolers including creative movement, Birds and Their
Houses, Mice Are Nice, and Ms. Amigos, with bilingual teacher
Linda Hilbert-Vasquez. The latter is a discovery of Mexico through
music, art, and language. Outdoor Adventures: Performing Arts
Adventures in conjunction with UApresents; and Sports
Adventures, cosponsored with the UA Athletic Department, are
offered through the SEEK Saturday Series. Sunday Fun Days at Flandrau,
and Science Saturdays offer ways to discover the secrets of science
with everything from the creation of Zoo Food to The
Secrets of Soap. The Middle School Certificate Program includes
courses ranging from marine biology to Video Field Production,
a 20-hour introductory course in which students participate in
creating finished, edited productions. Call 621-UofA (8632) for
BUILD-A-BIKE. BICAS Youth Underground Build-A-Bike program
is an eight-session program for adults and kids, offering extensive
hands-on training for basic bicycle mechanics. In addition to
learning new skills, you'll also be helping your community by
fixing up old bikes and getting them back on the streets. Students
are required to complete a 25-hour apprenticeship and final exam
to earn their first bicycle. Classes are from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays,
and from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Class tuition is based on a sliding-scale.
Call 628-7950 for registration and information.
DANCE CLASSES. The Little Temple. 721 N. Second Ave. A
wiggle and stretch creative movement class for kids ages 3 to
6 meets from 10:15 to 11 a.m. Saturday mornings, with enrollment
ongoing. Cost is $25. Call 887-1603 for information.
GIRL SCOUT SIGN-UP. Girls ages 5 through 17 interested
in joining Girl Scouts for fun and educational activities in their
community can call the Sahuaro Girl Scout Council at 327-2288,
or 1-800-331-6782, for registration information and parent meeting
KIDS CAFÉ. Boys and Girls Club, Holmes Tuttle Club
House. 2585 E. 36 St. 622-0694. Now open: The Kids Café,
a nine-week after school program meeting on Thursdays, features
volunteer chefs providing instruction in the culinary arts. Each
chef becomes a mentor to a child. The program is sponsored by
The Chefs' Association of Southern Arizona, Tucson Electric Power,
Pima Community College, and The Arizona Restaurant Association,
Southern Chapter. Call Jeanie Meredith at 299-6787 for information
about The Chefs' Association of Southern Arizona.
201 S. Kinney Road. October features Mad Science--The International
Tour, a fun-filled learning experience with an energetic scientist.
The tour combines the excitement of a large-scale theatrical production
with education. Special school field trips are available by calling
(520) 883 0100, ext. 268. Old Tucson Studios family theme park
and movie location is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Admission
is $14.95, $9.45 for children 4 to 11. Children 3 and under are
admitted at no charge. Discounted admission for all Pima County
residents is $12.95, $8.95 for children 4 to 11. Season passes
are available. Call (520)883-0100 for information and group discounts
(for 20 or more).
SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Desert Dove School of Music. 6163 S. Midvale
Park Road. The Desert Dove School of Music offers a new preschool
Music and Movement class for children 2 to 6 years of age and
their families. This is an interactive class with parents, grandparents,
and older siblings interacting musically with the younger children.
Classes are at 5:30 p.m. Thursdays. Cost is $25 per month, plus
a one-time enrollment fee. Enrollment is ongoing. Other music
classes are also available. Call Judith Richardson at 887-4266
or 888-3352, or e-mail jarica@juno.com for information or to enroll.
SUNDAY SCIENCE. Flandrau Science Center, on the UA campus.
621-STAR. In partnership with the UA Extended University, Flandrau
offers science courses for preschool and early elementary school
children on Sundays through November. Course times for children
age 3 to
5 years are 2 to 3 p.m.; courses for children 6 to 8 are from
3 to 4 p.m. The subject for October is astronomy. Geology courses
will be offered in November. Courses are taught by Flandrau Education
Director Helen Salvay. Call Extended University at 626-4444 for
course information and registration. Call Helen Salvay at 621-8135,
or e-mail her at hssalvay@u.arizona.edu, for other information.
TUCSON CHILDREN'S MUSEUM. 200 South Sixth Ave. 792-9985.
Join the Wisdomseekers, middle schoolers teaching the younger
public crafts from various cultures, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Saturday. Regular fall hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday; 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Saturday; and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Last admission is
30 minutes before closing. Museum admission is $3 for children
2 to 16, $5 adults, and $4 seniors, with the third Sunday of every
month free for all. "After school special" admission
from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday is $2 per person.
YOUTH CENTER. 35 E. Toole Ave. The Pima Prevention Partnership
and T/PAC sponsor the new Toole Avenue Youth Center, housing programs
such as ArtWORKS at Toole, Pima County Teen Court and the Full
Court Press Youth Center. Call Dian Magie (624-0595, ext. 11)
or Harry Kressler (791-0771) for information on Youth Center programs.