BOOKSIGNING. Kid's Center, 1725 N. Swan Road. 322-5437.
Join Tucson author Judy Moreillon from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday,
September 19, when she reads from and signs Sing Down The Rain.
Call 322-5437 for information.
Parents' Corner
PARENTING 101. Tucson Council on Alcoholism & Drug
Dependence, 1230 E. Broadway. The Tucson Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Dependence presents the following free classes to help
give families an informed edge: BASICS (Building A Strong
Independent Child) provides classes, activities, discussion and
support for parents and their children, infancy through adolescence,
with the goal of learning to help our children be healthy, substance-free,
and caring individuals. Classes meet from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays,
and from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. Enrollment is open. Call Linda
Yuguchi at 620-6615, ext. 22, for registration and information.