GARDENING DEMONSTRATIONS. The following free demonstrations
are given at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Extension Garden Center,
4210 N. Campbell Ave.: On September 24, get to the point with
Roses: Fall Pruning & Care. The last part of the meeting
takes time to look at samples of plants brought in for identification,
diagnosis, and treatment. Demonstrations are held in the open
and last about one hour. Call 626-5161 for information.
GREEN VALLEY GARDENING. Green Valley Baptist Church, 1111
N. La Cañada. The Green Valley Cooperative Extension presents
a series of free gardening lectures and demonstrations on Tuesdays
at 9 a.m. On September 23 it'sPlanting Trees And Shrubs: Where,
How, & Why? Call 1-520-648-0808 for information.
PERMACULTURE BREAKFAST. The Permaculture Drylands Institute
wants to teach you about sustainable living in drylands. They
meet the second Tuesday of each month for a community breakfast
at 7 a.m. at the Congress Grill, 100 E. Congress St. Call 744-9305
for information.