BRAZILIAN BIRDS. The Tucson Audubon Society and Brazilian
bird photographer Edson Endrigo present a slide show on birds
from the Pantanal region of southwestern Brazil at their monthly
meeting, open to the public. The free talk is at 7 p.m. Monday,
September 14, in the UMC DuVal Auditorium, 1501 N. Campbell Ave.
A short pre-program talk on Tucson Audubon Society's summer activities
will be presented by the group's executive director, Kevin Dahl.
Call 629-0510, or visit the Audubon Nature Shop, 300 E. University
Blvd., for information.
COMMITTEE ON JUDAIC STUDIES. Tucson Jewish Community Center.
Laurie Soloth-Dorfman presents Mapping the Normal Human Self:
Jewish Otherness and the Genome Project, at 7:30 p.m. Monday,
September 14. Call 621-9114 for information.
DESERT CRONES. Armory Park Senior Center. 250 S. Fifth
Ave. Women of age present a program and panel discussion on Older
Women and Sexuality from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, September 12.
Call Grace at 624-8477, or Sarah at 577-9422, for information.
FENG SHUI. New Life Health Centers. 4841 E. Speedway. Dyanna
Chowka, Feng Shui consultant, explains the ancient Chinese art
of design and right placement, and how to improve the flow of
energy to foster harmony, peace and prosperity within your space,
at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 10. Call Janis Graham at 325-2739
for information.
OLD PUEBLO 2000. This Concerned Citizen's Political Action
Forum takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, September 12, at
the Plaza Hotel, 1900 E. Speedway. Call 296-6442 for information.
PROBLEMATICS OF PUBLIC ART. The UA Art department presents
Site Specificity and the Problematics of Public Art, discussed
in lecture by Miwon Kwon, professor of contemporary art history
at the University of California, Los Angeles. The lecture takes
place at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 17, at the College of Architecture
Auditorium, at the south end of the pedestrian underpass on Speedway
east of Park Avenue, on the UA campus. Call 621-1493 for information.
SIERRA CLUB SLIDE SHOW. Dave Elwood, an avid eco-tourist,
presents Solstice at Baffin Island, a slide show about
a week on the ice off Canada's Baffin Island, some 500 miles above
the Arctic Circle. Show time is 7:45 p.m. Thursday, September
17, in UA Physics Building Room 201, Fourth Street east of Park
Avenue. Call John Leonard at 621-6874 for information.