COMMON SENSE FORUM. Smoke and Mirrors--The War on Drugs,
The Politics of Failure is the topic from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Saturday, September 5, at the Tucson Main Library, 101 N. Stone
FENG SHUI. New Life Health Centers. 4841 E. Speedway. Dyanna
Chowka, Feng Shui consultant, explains the ancient Chinese art
of design and right placement, and how to improve the flow of
energy to foster harmony, peace and prosperity within your space,
at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 10. Call Janis Graham at 325-2739
for information.
PLUMBING MYSTERIES REVEALED. Women Build Houses presents
one in a series of classes in home building and maintenance, Mysteries
of Plumbing Revealed: The Leaky Faucet, from 6:30 to 9:30
p.m. Thursday, September 10. Learn and use the techniques and
tools necessary to repair a leaky faucet, and save a few hundred
gallons of our most precious resource. Advanced registration is
required, and childcare is available. Class fees are based on
a sliding scale, with a discount for registering for five classes.
Call 206-8000 to register. (Se habla español.)
SOUTHWESTERN ANTHROPOLOGY. University of Arizona Economics
Building, Room 110. The Department of Anthropology and
the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona co-sponsor
a series of free public lectures on new directions in Southwestern
anthropology. The first lecture is at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September
3, with Gary Nabhan speaking on Reptiles as Resources, Curses
and Cures: Seri Traditional Knowledge of Wildlife. Nabhan
is Director of Science Outreach at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum,
and a writer. A reception follows his lecture in the lobby of
the Arizona State Museum. Call Suzanne Fish at 626-8290, or Barbara
Mills at 621-9671, for information.
TUCSON TEACH-IN. A cooperative forum gathers for the First
Annual Tucson Teach-In to revitalize Arizona's labor movement
and educate the public on labor issues. The Teach-In begins with
a social at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, September 5, at Carpenters Union
Hall, 606 S. Plumer St., followed by an Opening Plenary Session
from 7 to 9 p.m. Workshops and Plenary Forums continue from 9
a.m. to
7 p.m. Sunday, September 6, at the University of Arizona Social
Sciences Building, southwest of Old Main, in the auditorium. A
Labor Day Parade and festivities follow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at Reid Park on Monday, September 7. Call Eileen Asher at 888-1007
or e-mail asher@rtd.com; call Wayne Bryant at 323-9476, or e-mail
(lu741@azstarnet.com) for information.
HEALTH CONFERENCE. Human Resource and Mental Health professionals,
clergy, and business employees are invited to Attend Optimizing
Health for the 21st Century, the Employee Assistance Association
of Southern Arizona's annual conference. The conference begins
at 8 a.m., Friday, September 18, at the Tanque Verde Ranch, 14301
E. Speedway, and is an all-day event. Early registration is discounted.
Call 888-5999 for information.