ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE. UA Marroney Theatre, south end
of the pedestrian underpass on Speedway and Park Avenue. Continuing
through September 20: I Hate Hamlet, by Paul Rudnick.
Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 5, and 7:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through September 19. Weekend matinees
are at 1:30 p.m. September 6 through 20. Tickets range from $10
to $16. Call the Fine Arts box office at 621-1162 for reservations
and information.
ARIZONA YOUTH THEATRE. 5671 E. Speedway. Continuing through
September 19: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Performances
are 8 p.m. Friday, and 11 a.m., 2 and 4 p.m. Saturday. Performance
is appropriate for audiences ages 4 to adult. Tickets are $6,
$4 for children, with complimentary tickets available to nonprofit
organizations. Call 546-9805 for reservations and information.
Last Chance
BORDERLANDS THEATER. PCC Center for the Arts Proscenium
Theatre. 2202 W. Anklam Road. Continuing through September 6:
Once On This Island. Tickets range from $7 to $16, with
discounts for students with ID. Regular performances are at 8
p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Call
882-7406 for reservations and information.
LIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP. 5317 E. Speedway. Continuing through
September 6: Relatively Speaking. Performances are at 7:30
p.m. Friday and Saturday, and
3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $8.50, $7.50 for seniors and students.
Call 327-4242 for tickets and information.
Out Of Town
BISBEE REPERTORY THEATRE. 94 Main St., Bisbee. Opening
September 4: The Zoo Story, by Edward Albee, and This
Property is Condemned, by Tennessee Williams. Performances
are at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with a
3 o'clock matinee on September 6 and September 27, and a 7:30
p.m. performance on Sunday, September 20. Advance tickets are
$8, $10 at the door. The Lobby Gallery will feature color photographs
by Sandy Upson. The Higher Choir performs from 7 to 7:30 p.m.
Call 1-520-432-3786 for reservations and information.
AUDITION NOTICE. The Third St. Ensemble Company, an off-shoot
of Third St. Kids, is looking for performers between the ages
of 10 and 21. Call 622-4100 for information and appointment times.
AUDITION NOTICE. Absurd, wacky, weird, strange, following
the road less-traveled, looking for a challenge? If so, Theater
Z2 is holding auditions from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, September
4; and again from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, September 5, at the International
Arts Center, 516 N. Fifth Ave. A photo and résumé
will be accepted but not required. Call 446-7418 for information.
CALL FOR ACTORS. Old Tucson Studios is auditioning new
dancers and stuntwomen. Apply in person between
9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at Human Resources, 201
S. Kinney Road. No phone calls, please.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. Press 101.101 W. Fifth St.
884-0278. Press 101 is opening a selection of exhibition spaces
in the four-plex public art forum, Notes, Vistas, Darkrooms,
and Open Spaces. Performance, music, photography, and all
other acts may call for information. Opening date and submission
deadline are Thursday, October 1. Local artists interested in
participating in a live, multi-media installation at the 7 Black
Cats store-front bar may contact Michael at 884-0278; or drop
letters of interest to 7 Black Cats, 260 E. Congress St. Opening
date and submission deadline are Friday, September 11.
DIRECTORS WANTED. Desert Players is preparing its 1999-2000
season, and is accepting proposals from prospective directors.
Interested parties should send a personal résumé
with a project script and estimated budget to Desert Players Theatre,
P.O. Box 43264, Tucson, AZ 85733. Call Robert Ulsrud at 733-0733
for information.
HELP WANTED. Quintessential Productions, 118 S. Fifth Ave.,
seeks directors, designers, technicians and instructors for its
1998-'99 season. Productions include Sartre's No Exit,
Priestly's An Inspector Calls, Shakespeare's Taming
of the Shrew, Strindberg's Miss Julie, and Odet's The
Country Girl. Call 798-0708 for more information.