COLOSSAL CAVE MOUNTAIN PARK. Tour mysterious cave routes and enjoy a rib dinner under the ramada. Tours are conducted the first and third Saturdays of the month. Call 647-7275 for reservations, information and directions.

Listings FISHING CLINICS. Arizona Game and Fish announces open enrollment for free fishing clinics, providing education and hands-on fishing to groups of 25 or more. Eligible groups include churches, scouts, hospitals, recreation and senior centers. Schools can schedule clinics after 8 a.m. Tuesday, September 8. Game and Fish provides up to 100 rods and reels, necessary bait and tackle. All license requirements are waived during the fishing outing. Volunteers are also needed to help with the clinics. Call Ed Davenport at 884-9394 to enroll for a clinic or to volunteer.

TOHONO CHUL PARK. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455.Grounds are open from 7 a.m. to sunset daily. Exhibit hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Greenhouse hours are
9 a.m. to noon daily through September 7. Admission is $2. Call 742-6455 for a daily events schedule. TW

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