Events This Week
SUMMERSET SUITE. St. Philip's Plaza. 4380 N. Campbell Ave.
The Tucson Jazz Society's Summer Suite series features
its final performance from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday, July 4. The
featured artist is festive, Dixieland band, the Chicago Six. Tickets
are $10, $5 for TJS members, available at the door. Call the TJS
hotline at
743-3399 for recorded information.
BAND CLASSES. Desert Cove Christian Church.
6163 S. Midvale Road. Desert Cove School of Music offers band,
orchestra, keyboard, guitar, voice and preschool music and movement
classes for all ages. Cost ranges from $25 to $40 per month, in
addition to enrollment and materials. Private instruction on piano,
strings, guitar and band instruments is available. Call 888-3352
or 887-4266 for information.
WEST AFRICAN DRUM. Learn the rhythms of Guinea and Mali
in a relaxed atmosphere. Beginning and intermediate classes are
now forming. Hour-and-a-half classes meet once each week. Cost
is $40 per four-week session, or $12 per class. Registration is
ongoing. Contact Martin Klabunde (206-9250) or email clockwork@psn.net
for information.
FOOTHILLS WOMEN'S CHORUS. A group of women who love to
sing, no auditions required, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays in
the Dove of Peace Lutheran Church, 665 W. Roller Coaster Road.
Spring programs include Broadway tunes, pop music and old favorites,
performed in front of various organizations and retirement communities.
For more information, call 888-1737 or
TUNE CATCHERS. The Tune Catchers, an a cappella women's
chorus, meets at 7 p.m. Mondays in the music room of the Fountain
of Life Lutheran Church, 710 S. Kolb Road. New members are welcome.
Call 325-0655 for more information.