ADVENTURE CAMP. Outdoor Confidence announces four, one-week
camps during the month of July. Camps meet daily at 7:45 a.m.
and conclude at 5 p.m., and include various activities over the
course of five days: first-aid; leave-no-trace ethics; basic survival
skills; map and compass skills; and fishing and hikes to Mt. Lemmon
and Madera Canyon. Class size is limited to six students. Tuition
for the week is $125, with a limited number of half-scholarships
available. Call 884-9394 for registration and information, or
email oc@rtd.com.
BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. Summer programs at the Boys &
Girls Clubs of Tucson continue through Friday, August 14. Clubhouse
hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at all three clubhouses. Membership
is open to youths ages 7 to 16. Cost is $5, not including summer
field trips. Call 623-2543 for information about the club nearest
BUILD-A-BIKE. BICAS Youth Underground Build-A-Bike program
is an eight-session program for adults and kids, offering extensive
hands-on training for basic bicycle mechanics. In addition to
learning new skills, you'll also be helping your community by
fixing up old bikes and getting them back on the streets. Students
are required to complete a 25-hour apprenticeship and final exam
to earn their first bicycle. Classes are from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays,
and from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Class tuition is based on a sliding-scale.
Call 628-7950 for registration and information.
DANCE CLASSES. The Little Temple. 721 N. Second Ave. A
wiggle and stretch creative movement class for kids ages 3 to
6 meets from 10:15 to 11 a.m. Saturday mornings, with enrollment
ongoing. Cost is $25. Call
887-1603 for information.
GARDENING FOR KIDS. UA Pima County Extension Center. 4210
N. Campbell Ave. Kids can participate in Kids and Plants Grow,
an annual program introducing children grades 4 through 8 to various
aspects of gardening. The weekly session begins July 27, with
classes running from
8 to 11:30 a.m. daily. Pre-registration is required. Classes are
$30 per one-week session. Ask for Francie at 626-5161, for applications
and information.
KIDS' CLUB EVENTS. Bookman's Used Books. 1930 E. Grant
Road. The Kids' Club features the Bookman's electric car, and
a talk about the environment and benefits of recycling from 11
a.m. to noon Thursday, July 2. Call 325-5767 for information.
SCIENCE GLADIATORS. Science Gladiators 2000, a locally
run and produced kids' science show, seeks contestants and kids
to join the studio audience for future shows. The show airs on
TCI cable channel 61 at 6:30 p.m. Monday evenings. Call Janette
Jaquish at 622-7856 for information.
YOUTH CENTER. 35 E. Toole Ave. The Pima Prevention Partnership
and T/PAC sponsor the new Toole Avenue Youth Center, housing programs
such as ArtWORKS at Toole, Pima County Teen Court and the Full
Court Press Youth Center. Call Dian Magie (624-0595, ext. 11)
or Harry Kressler (791-0771) for information on Youth Center programs.
Parents' Corner
CHILDREN TO CHILDREN. 3922 N. Mountain Ave. Children to
Children is a grief support center for children and families who
have experienced the death of someone they love. They provide
support services in a caring environment, and currently have space
available in their groups. Call 322-9155 for information.
PARENTING 101. Compass Health Care. 1230 E. Broadway. The
Tucson Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence presents the
following free classes to give families an informed edge: BASICS
(Building A Strong Independent Child) provides classes, activities,
discussion and support for parents and their children, infancy
through adolescence, with the goal of learning to help children
become healthy, substance-free, caring individuals. Classes meet
from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, and from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. Enrollment
is open. Call Linda Yuguchi at
620-6615, ext. 22, for registration and information.
PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS. Parents Without Partners, Inc.,
is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to the entire
single parent family. They offer Saturday night dances, camp-outs,
picnics, skating, meetings, potlucks, games, house parties, movies,
hikes, volunteer and community service opportunities, and much
more. Orientation for new members meets the second and fourth
Wednesday of every month. Call 622-8120 for information.
STUDENT EXCHANGE. World Heritage, a non-profit, public
benefit organization, seeks local host families for high school
students from Europe and the former Soviet Union. Host families
provide room, board and guidance in a familial setting. Couples,
single parents and families with no children are all encouraged
to apply. Barbara Williams, local World Heritage area representative,
will provide on-going program support during the exchange year.
529-2408 for information.