DEAD POET'S SOCIETY. Let your creative juices flow! A safe
place to read poetry and prose. Discussion and feedback are encouraged.
We're interested in your writing and thoughts. Bi-monthly meetings.
Come join us! Call
750-1482 for information.
DISCUSSING AUSTEN. River Central Branch Library. 5605 E.
River Road. The Jane Austen Society of North America, Southern
Arizona Chapter, hosts an open discussion of Pride and Prejudice,
Vol. 2, from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 8. Call 747-9319
for information.
ECLECTIC WRITERS GROUP. Eclectic writers meet from 7 to
9 p.m. every Tuesday to read original works, practice writing,
critique work and discuss related issues. All forms, styles and
skill levels are encouraged. There is no membership fee. Call
797-6614 for detailed information.
LAMPLIGHT READING. Mat Bevel Institute. 530 N. Stone Ave.
The Lamplight Reading series presents Tucson poets Tim Schaefer
and Carol Christy at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 5. An open reading will
follow the featured readers. Call Roberta Howard at 908-0927 for
POETRY AND MORE. The Casbah. 628 N. Fourth Ave. Join other
Tucson poets and storytellers from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. Tuesdays to share original works, or listen to the works
of others. Call 792-9910 for information.
POETRY CONTEST. The Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum is accepting
submissions to its national Poetic Achievement Awards contest,
which will launch its Poet of the Year contest. A grand prize
of $1,000 will be awarded, as well as 34 other prizes including
three publishing contracts. Poets should submit one poem in any
style, 20 lines or fewer, on any subject to: Sparrowgrass Poetry
Forum, Dept. G,
609 Main St., P.O. Box 193, Sistersville, WV 26175-0193. Information
is also available at the website: http://www.tinplace.com/sparrow.
Deadline for submissions is August 31.