BOTANICAL GARDENS. The Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N.
Alvernon Way, are open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Take
a Birds and Gardening Tour at 9 a.m. Thursday mornings.
This tour will teach you about plants and gardening practices
that will attract birds to your garden. Exploring the Tucson
Botanical Gardens highlights TBG history and plant trivia,
and will familiarize visitors with native flora. With the Gardening
For The Newcomer class, students learn to create eye-catching,
appealing landscapes using drought-tolerant plants. Classes are
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the first Thursday , and the third Saturday
of the month. Cost is $5, $3 for TBG members. Regular admission
to the gardens is $4, $3 for seniors, and free for members and
children under 12. Call 326-9255 for information.
GARDENING DEMONSTRATION. The Pima County Cooperative Extension
offers free gardening workshops every Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the
Extension Garden Center, 4210 N. Campbell Ave. On January 21,
get the skinny with "Pruning Trees and Shrubs." Bring
in sick plants for an end-of-workshop diagnosis and treatment
session. Call 626-5161 for information.
TUCSON ORGANIC GARDENERS. Heidelburg House. 4606 E. Pima
St. The Tucson Organic Gardeners present a free lecture, entitled
Maintenance and Pruning of Trees, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
January 20. Juan Barba, a consulting arborist, lends his
expertise. A social opens the evening at 7 p.m., with informational
papers available and a table of seeds, plants, produce and garden
items for sale. Call 670-9158 or 883-0377 for information.