FAMILY TREE. Family History Land. 6061 E. Broadway Blvd.,
Suite 128. Friends of Family History Land and Los Descendientes
del Presidio de Tucson present classes at 1:30 p.m. Fridays and
Saturdays through August. Seminars include: Introduction to
Genealogy; U.S. Court Records and Probates; U.S. Land Records;
U.S Military Records; Institutional-Business-Employment-Records;
British Isles Records in the Family History Library; and British
Isles Census Records. Classes are $9, free to members of FHL
and Los Descendientes. Call 790-5444 for registration and information.
HERBS FOR KIDS. New Life Health Centers. 4841 E. Speedway.
JoAnn Sanchez, a clinical herbalist and director at Southwest
Institute of Healing Arts in Phoenix, presents Herbs for Children,
focusing on getting and keeping kids healthy and well through
diet, lifestyle, and particularly herbal information. Ms. Sanchez
speaks at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 20. Call Janis Graham at
325-2739 for information.
LATIN AMERICAN TRADE. Jose Velasco, Pima College Director
of International Projects, speaks on Latin American Trading
Strengths at the Sunbelt World Trade Association weekly International
Business Network breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August
25, at the Plaza International Hotel, 1900 E. Speedway Blvd. The
meeting fees include breakfast and are $9 for non-members, $8
for members. No reservation required. Call 747-4466 for information.
MONEY 2000. Pima County Cooperative Extension. 4210 N.
Campbell Ave. The PCCE holds a series of summer workshops explaining
the personal finance debt reduction program, Money 2000.
Workshops are scheduled for 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. August 31, and September
14 and 30. There is a $10 registration fee, which includes membership,
a financial management workbook and subscription to the quarterly
newsletter. Call 626-5161 for enrollment information.
REAL HOMES FOR REAL KIDS. Casa de los Niños, 1101
N. Fourth Ave. Casa de los Niños presents the 25th Anniversary
Silver Seminar Series, a lunch lecture series devoted to concerns
particular to parents and children. The lecture Real Homes
for Real Kids: Moving Children to Permanency, with guest presenter
Judge Nanette Warner, Lead Judge, Pima County Juvenile Court Model
Court Project, takes place from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, August
26. A brown-bag lunch will be provided, free of charge.
Attendance is by reservation only. Call 624-5600 between 8 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. weekdays for reservations and information.
Solutions, LLC, and Resources for Women, Inc. present Business
Procrastination Styles: How to Conquer Yours and Get Things Done,
from 11 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. Friday, August 21. The workshop takes place at El Parador
Restaurant, 2744 E. Broadway, and reservations are requested.
The cost with reservations is $14 for visitors, $12 for RFW members.
Call 388-8810 at least
24 hours in advance for reservations.
SAT PREPARATION WORKSHOP. Dusenberry-River Center Branch
Library. 5605 E. River Road. Instructors from Kaplan Educational
Centers discuss the SAT, PSAT, and ACT achievement tests, suggest
test-taking strategies, provide information on when to take the
tests, and explain how they are used in the college admission
process. The workshop takes place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August
26. Advance registration is required. Call KAPLAN at 1-800-KAPTEST
(527-8378) to register.
WOMEN'S HEALTH. The Arizona Women's Political Caucus, Tucson
Chapter, meets noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, August 20 in the Main
Library, 101 N. Stone, downstairs meeting room, to discuss Viagra
and Birth Control: Is your Sex Covered By Insurance? Bring
a lunch and join Ann Hernandez Urban, Asst. Research Scientist,
UA College of Pharmacy; Bridget Riceci, Social Worker, UA College
of Medicine Rural Health Office; and Karen Ford Manza, Health
Benefits and Payment Administrator, as the panel explores if and
how common reproductive health care needs are accessible under
current insurance programs and what federal legislative proposals
have been introduced to assure coverage. The panel also discusses
how you can insure your coverage. Call Elly Anderson
at 297-3422 for information.
WIDOWED TO WIDOWED. Free support groups to widows and widowers
of all ages and lifestyles. Day and evening meetings are available.
Call 884-4570 for information.
RITUAL WORKSHOPS. Women of all faiths are invited to participate
in rituals the first Friday of each month. Call Caitlin at 882-5109
for information.