BOTANICAL GARDENS. The Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N.
Alvernon Way. Susan Corl teaches the art of creating Ukrainian
Eggs with melted beeswax and dye, from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday,
August 22. Participants should bring a candle and candle holder,
and will receive a kit to use and take home. Pre-registration
is required. Limit of 15. The cost is $40, $35 for TBG members.
Regular garden attractions include the "Birds and Gardening"
tour at 9 a.m. Thursday mornings; and "Exploring the Tucson
Botanical Gardens," a docent-led tour highlighting TBG history
and plant trivia, designed to familiarize visitors with native
flora. Regular admission to the gardens is $4, $3 for seniors,
free for members and children under age 12. Throughout August,
the gardens open at 7:30 a.m., with admission only $1 between
7:30 and 9:30 a.m. A tropical fruits cooking class is scheduled
for 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, August 15. Pre-registration is required.
Cost is $20 or $15 for TBG members. Call 326-9255 for information.
DOCENT TRAINING. The Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N.
Alvernon Way. Applications are currently being accepted for a
10-week fall docent training class beginning September 18. The
course includes basic botany, low-water-use landscaping, desert
ecology, and other programs designed to train guides to conduct
tours of the grounds, nursery and gift shop, as well as provide
information about the horticultural therapy and adult/youth education
programs. A $35 fee covers cost of materials. Call 326-9686, ext.
17, for information.