Events This Week
non-profit AIWF association at Pastiche, 3025 N. Campbell Ave.,
at 4 p.m. on Sunday, August 23, for wine, dinner, and guest speaker
Paul Nardiccio, who will discuss the different components of wine.
The evening starts with hors d'oeuvres served with a Fume Blanc
followed by a three course dinner paired with wines. Featured
wines are from Robert Mondavi. The cost is $55 for non-members,
$45 for members. Proceeds from events provide scholarships to
promising young chefs. Call Ron Skinner at 749-4215 for information
and reservations.
BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS. Valencia Branch Library. 202
W. Valencia Road. Free blood pressure screening from 1 to 2 p.m.
and 7 to 8 .p.m. on Tuesday, August 25. Call 791-4531 for information.
FOOD AND ART AT TUCSON'S HEART. Barrio Grill hosts a rib-tickling
benefit barbecue to support Dinnerware Contemporary Art Gallery,
starting at 6 p.m. Sunday, August 23, with hors d'oeuvres, cocktails,
and a raffle at Dinnerware, 135 E. Congress St. A barbecue dinner,
margaritas and live music follow at Barrio Grill,
135 S. Sixth Ave. Tickets are $35 or $60 for couples. Tax deductible
contributions will provide support for Dinnerware's programming
for the 1998-1999 season. Call 751-6793 or 792-4503 for reservations.
MULTIMEDIA MONDAYS. Hotel Congress. 311 E. Congress St.
Upstairs Films presents a screening of several short films
at 8:15 p.m. and 12:05 a.m. Monday, August 24: Sketches after
Halle, Walking With The Dead, The Delta, and Curt Brill.
Musical guests Twine and The Cassadines perform
at 9 p.m. Admission is $3 at the door.
MUSHROOM HUNTING TOUR. Rita Rosenberg, Tucson author and
internationally recognized authority on mushrooms, leads a mushroom
hunting tour on Mt. Lemmon. The tour begins at Culinary Concepts
in Plaza Palomino, on the southeast corner of Swan and Fort Lowell
roads, at 8 a.m. Thursday, August 20, with lunch served on Mt.
Lemmon. Ms. Rosenberg will identify and give cooking tips on the
types of mushrooms found growing at various sites on the mountain.
She will also sign copies of her book Mushrooms, available
at Culinary Concepts. The van returns to Culinary Concepts in
late afternoon. The cost of the tour is $55 per person. Call Judith
Berger at 321-0968 for information.
UA WELCOME BACK POWWOW. Arizona Ballroom, Memorial Student
Union, UA Campus. The UA's Native American Resource Center welcomes
students back for the new academic year at the second annual Welcome
Back Pow Wow, starting with the "Gourd Dance" at
6 p.m., followed by the "Grand Entry" at 7:30 p.m.,
Saturday, August 22. All are invited and all dancers/singers are
welcome to participate. Call 621-3835 for information.
VOLUNTEER OPEN HOUSE. Help make a wish come true for southern
Arizona children suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Make-A-Wish
Foundation is looking for volunteers to help find resources and
work with staff to make dreams come true for some special kids.
Join representatives from Make-A-Wish for an orientation and open
house at 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, at the Tucson Heart Hospital,
4888 N. Stone Ave. Call 623-9474 for information.