Events This Week
CLUB KINETIC. Mat Bevel Institute. 530 Stone Ave. Witness
the theatrical spectacle of Club Kinetic, the exotic vaudevillian
disco circus staged by performance artist Mat Bevel and company,
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every Friday. Professor Hall presents Buck
Rogers in the 25th Century, a special presentation including
accompaniment, music and narrative. Other performances for the
evening of May 22 include a set by the Matt Mitchell Group, Scott
Stanley reading poetry, performance by Mat Bevel followed by DJ's
HSLA, Mike Francis and Snoots. Admission is $5. Call 622-0192
for information.
MEMORIAL DAY PARADE. Tucson Estates. (West on Ajo, right
on Kinney Road) The Tucson Estates Property Owners Association
and American Legion Post No. 102 sponsor a Memorial Day spectacular.
Events include a parade, with Grand Marshall Ernie Menehune, the
Davis Monthan Color Guard and Drill Team, clowns from the Sabbar
Shrine, more than 60 floats, balloons, music and a variety of
clebrities. Representative Jim Kolbe opens the ceremonies with
a speech at 9 a.m. Monday, May 25, followed by the parade and
free picnic. Call 578-9099 for information.
Out of Town
PATAGONIA CENTENNIAL. Patagonia celebrates its centennial
with three days of activities, exhibits, ceremonies and performances,
Saturday through Monday, May 23 through 25. Festivities commence
at the gazebo in the center of town at 10 a.m. Saturday, with
a parade and opening ceremonies. Other highlights include music
in the park by Mariachi Apache and others, historic fashion shows,
cowboy storyteller Bruce Andre spinning yarns at noon on Saturday,
a Memorial Day Ceremony on Sunday, and ongoing art walks, oral
history tours and exhibits of memorabilia. Call the Patagonia
visitor's center (888) 794-0060 for information.