Events This Week
DANCING FOR DOLLARS. Dance to the eclectic sounds of bluegrass,
Irish and zydeco music while supporting community radio station
KXCI. Friends of Community Radio hosts a New Year's fundraising
dance party Saturday, January 3, at Nimbus Brewing Company, 3850
E. 44th St. Fresh microbrews and steaming bowls of jumbo gumbo
aplenty, with music by Degrees Plato, New Potatoes and Black Leather
Zydeco. Festivities start at 7 p.m. Tickets sold at the door
for $10, $8 for KXCI members. For information call 323-6516.
FOOD FAIR. Visit Plaza Palomino, on the corner of Fort
Lowell and Swan Roads, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays for their
gourmet food fairs. There are more than 45 vendors with organic
veggies and fruits, breads, salmon, Arizona emu, fresh cut flowers
and lots of tasty samples. Call 795-1177 for information.
POW-WOW POWER. The eighth annual New Year's Competition
Pow-wow and Indian Crafts Market will kick-off at the Rillito
Raceway Park, River Road and First Avenue, beginning Friday, January
2, and will continue through Sunday, January 4. Native American
Indians from over 50 western tribal nations will participate in
dancing and drumming contests. Handmade arts and crafts will include
basketry, beadwork, jewelry, pottery, books, paintings, traditional
foods and more. Hours are 4 to 10 p.m. Friday, noon to 10 p.m.
Saturday, and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. A $7 donation is requested.
For information call 622-4900.
WALKING TOURS. The Arizona Historical Society presents
Walking Tours of Historic Tucson from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays
through March. Begining at the Sosa-Carillo-Fremont House Museum,
the tour takes you to more than 20 homes, sites and historic buildings.
Cost is $4.50. Reservations are required. Call 622-0956 for reservations
and information.