ARCHAEOLOGY FOR ALL. Old Pueblo Archaeology Center presents
Open1, a chance for kids ages 5 and up to learn about different
cultures by participating in the excavation of a make-believe
archaeological site. In addition to dig time, each session also
includes an indoor craft activity and instruction in artifact
cleaning and interpretation. Cost is $35 for four one-and-a-half
hour Saturday sessions, or $10 per individual session. Special
rates and dates available for groups. Call 798-1201 for registration
and information.
BUILD-A-BIKE. BICAS Youth Underground Build-A-Bike program
is an eight-session program for adults and kids, offering extensive
hands-on training for basic bicycle mechanics. In addition to
learning new skills, you'll also be helping your community by
fixing up old bikes and getting them back on the streets. Students
are required to complete a 25-hour apprenticeship and final exam
to earn their first bicycle. Classes are from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays,
and from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Class tuition is based on a sliding-scale.
Call 628-7950 for registration and information.
QUINTESSENTIAL PRODUCTIONS. 118 S. Fifth Ave. Quintessential
Productions, Inc., a non-profit performing arts education and
production company, offers STAGES Theatre Classes for kids. Classes
are broken down into three groups: Stage One for kids ages 4 and
5; Stage Two for kids grades 1 through 5; and Stage Three for
kids grades 6 through 8. Classes are taught by Michelle Fincher,
professional children's theatre instructor. Classes begin in early
January; registration ends January 5. Call 531-8074 for a schedule
and registration information.
SCIENCE GLADIATORS. Science Gladiators 2000, a locally
run and produced kids' science show, seeks contestants and kids
to join the studio audience for future shows. The show airs on
TCI cable channel 61 at 6:30 p.m. Monday evenings. Call Janette
Jaquish at 622-7856 for information.
Out Of Town
PUPPET FUN. Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac. Join Tucson
puppeteer and educator Barbara Mocking for a free Puppet Making
Workshop for children from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, December 20.
The workshop emphasizes confidence building in personal expression
and creative applications. Workshop is limited to 15 students
ages 7 to 12. Call 398-2371 for registration and information.
Parents' Corner
CHILDREN TO CHILDREN. 3922 N. Mountain Ave. Children to
Children is a grief support center for children and families who
have experienced the death of someone they love. They provide
support services in a caring environment, and currently have space
available in their groups. Call 322-9155 for information.
PARENTING 101. Tucson Council on Alcoholism & Drug
Dependence. 1230 E. Broadway. The Tucson Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Dependence presents the following free classes to help
give families an informed edge: BASICS (Building A Strong
Independent Child) provides classes, activities, discussion and
support for parents and their children, infancy through adolescence,
with the goal of learning to help our children to be healthy,
substance-free, and caring individuals. Classes meet from 6 to
8 p.m. Tuesdays, and from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. Enrollment is
open. Call Linda Yuguchi at 620-6615, ext. 22, for registration
and information.
PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS. Parents Without Partners, Inc.,
is an International, non-profit organization dedicated to the
entire single parent family. They offer Saturday night dances,
campouts, picnics, skating, meetings, potlucks, games, house parties,
movies, hikes, volunteer and community service opportunities,
and much more. Call 622-8120 for information.