AFRICAN DANCE. 121 E. Seventh St. Learn the movements of
dance from Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, and Afro-Brazilian and Cuban
regions with teacher Denise Hawthorne Bey. You'll also learn the
intricacies of the music, and the traditional songs and their
meanings. Classes meet at 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost is $10 general,
$8 for students, and $5 for kids grades K through 12. Call 623-8231
for information.
BALLROOM DANCING. Elks Lodge. 2404 E. River Road. The United
States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association get together once
again for their monthly, smoke-free dance from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday,
December 21. Admission to the dance is $5. Learn the graceful
Viennese Waltz before the dance. Beginning steps will be taught
at 1, and advanced steps at 2 p.m. Cost is $10 per session. Dress
is casual, but no shorts or sweats, please. Call 770-9540 for
reservations and information.
BALLROOM DANCING. Dance to live music from 8 to 11 p.m.
Wednesdays at Let's Dance Club, 6245 E. Bellevue. Singles and
couples of all skill levels are welcome. Experience a touch of
sophistication and romance with theme-dress occasions and a large,
decorated ballroom. Cost is $7, $5 for members, which includes
a free professional dance lesson from 7 to 8 p.m. Annual membership
is $25. Call 885-4599 for information.
DANCE AND DRUMS. The Barbea Williams Performing Company
announces classes in Pre-African and Pre-Ballet for children;
and African Brazilian/West African, African Cuban/West African,
and West African drum lessons for teens and adults. Registration
is on-going. Call 628-7785 for information.
MODERN MONDAYS. The Zenith Center. 330 E. Seventh St. Jennifer
Pollack teaches intermediate modern dance classes to help you
find and strengthen your center, improve placement, and explore
and develop individual style from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday evenings.
Call 320-7844 for information.
PRUNE JUICE FOLLIES. 875 N. Houghton Road. The Prune Juice
Follies offer weekly adult tap and musical comedy dance lessons
for active, energetic men and women. No experience necessary.
The Follies are also available for old-time vaudeville revues.
Call Zircon Zelda at 885-2877 for information.
WEST COAST SWING. Tucson Swing Dance Club. 6245 E. Bellvue.
573-3732. Get in the swing of things at the Tucson Swing Dance
Club every Thursday evening. Lessons are from 7 to 7:45 p.m. for
beginners, and 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. for intermediate dancers. General
dancing continues until 10:30 p.m. No partner necessary. Cost
is $3, $2 for members. Call 573-3732 for information.