Events This Week
COLLECTIBLE FUN. American Legion Post No. 36. 5845 E. 22nd
St. The Southern Arizona Collectible Coin, Stamp and Collectible
Show is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, December 21. A wide variety
of collectibles will be shown, including: tokens, post cards,
stamps, coins, sports cards, First Day of Issue covers and supplies.
Free appraisals and information about local collectible clubs
will be available. Call 742-2002 for information.
DOWNTOWN SATURDAY. The downtown Arts District is decked
out for the holidays on December 20. Visit the open-air holiday
market at the Ronstadt Transit Center from 7 to 10 p.m. for last-minute
gift ideas, live entertainment and more. The Gatekeepers Youth
Choir from the Ironwood Hills Church will raise their voices in
four-part harmony with traditional carols and gospel music from
8 to 10 p.m. in Arizona Alley. For information on other events,
stop by the booth on Sixth Avenue and Congress Street; or call
the Arts District Partnership at 624-9977.
FOOD FAIR. Visit Plaza Palomino, on the corner of Fort
Lowell and Swan Roads, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays for their
gourmet food fairs. There are more than 45 vendors with organic
veggies and fruits, breads, salmon, Arizona emu, fresh cut flowers
and lots of tasty samples. Call 795-1177 for information.
WALKING TOURS. The Arizona Historical Society presents
Walking Tours of Historic Tucson from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays
through March. Begining at the Sosa-Carillo-Fremont House Museum,
the tour takes you to more than 20 homes, sites and historic buildings.
Cost is $4.50. Reservations are required. Call 622-0956 for reservations
and information.