ANCIENT HISTORY. The Arizona Archaeological and Historical
Society presents an Introduction to Southern Arizona Prehistory,
a three-evening short course with Archaeologist Sharon Urban of
the Arizona State Museum. The course will describe the cultural
history of American Indians in Arizona before European contact,
as known from archaeological excavations. Course meets from 7
to 9 p.m. Wednesday evenings, November 5 through 19. Cost is $35.
Call Jan Bell at 326-6709 for registration and information.
APACHE HISTORY. Arizona Historical Society. 949 E. Second
St. The Arizona Historical Society presents a lecture series entitled
Beyond Geronimo: Apache History and Culture. The series
continues on November 5 with "Apache Religion and Philosophy",
with Teddy Smith, Jr. Lectures are at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings.
Cost is $5. Call 628-5774 for information.
FAMILY TREE. Learn valuable clues for researching your
family's heritage from the Friends of Family History Land and
Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson, with classes at 1:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through November 30. Classes include:
Basics of Genealogy Research in the German Empire, British
Isles Court Records and Probates, Introduction to Genealogy, U.S.
Newspapers and Directories, Tracking Immigrants, and more.
Classes are $8.50, free to members of Friends and Los Descendientes.
Call 790-5444 for registration and information.
VIVE LA FRANCE. Wilmot Library. 530 N. Wilmot Road. Explore
Dordogne, the French region famous for black truffles, cave paintings
and hilltop villages with medieval castles at 3 p.m. Saturday,
November 9, with The Tucson chapter of the Alliance Française.
John Gesell, of the University of Arizona, presents a free slide-illustrated
talk in French on this beautiful and mysterious French treasure.
Call 327-7235 for information.