Events This Week
BICAS AUCTION. 44 W. Sixth St. Show your support for BICAS--
Bicycle Inter-Community Action and Salvage, a groovy nonprofit
group in town that helps get kids off the street, and teaches
them how to rebuild, repair and have fun with bicycles, at their
second annual Fundraiser and Bicycle Art Auction at 7 p.m. Saturday,
November 1. There will be amazing and unbelievable creations up
for bids! Call 628-7950 for informaiton.
CELTIC PRIDE. Green Fields Country Day School. 6000 N.
Camino De La Tierra. Dust off your kilts for the 11th annual Tucson
Celtic Festival and Scottish Games from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday,
November 1. Enjoy a day of Celtic entertainment, bagpipe and drum
bands, athletic contests, sample British foods, shop at the Celtic
market and do a bit of genealogy at the Clan tents. Admission
is $7, wee ones under 12 may enter free. Call 888-1058 for information.
CHRISTMAS COTTAGE. 2948 E. Hawthorne. The Assistance League
of Tucson, Inc., presents its 18th annual Christmas Cottage sale
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday,
November 1 and 2. Get a jump on holiday shopping with craft items,
toys, holiday decorations, wearable art and a delicious bake sale.
Proceeds will benefit the League's nonprofit programs. Call 326-8452
for information.
DOWNTOWN SATURDAY. The downtown Arts District is the place
to play all day and all night on November 1. Visit the Ronstadt
Transit Center for an Asante (giving thanks) Celebration
with the Barbea Williams Performing Company on stage at 7, and
the Gospel Music Workshop from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Denise Hawthorne
Bey of the JuJu Bey Ensemble performs in the tradition of the
songs, dances and rhythms of Africa from 8 to 10 p.m. in the Arizona
Alley. Delta and Chicago-style blues take over Pennington Street
between Scott and Sixth Avenues as the Rusty Boys perform from
7:30 to 10 p.m. Check out Fourth Avenue's Winsett Park, 316 N.
Fourth Ave., for Gerry Glombecki. This modern day "bluesman"
performs from 7 to 10 p.m. For information on other events, stop
by the booth on Sixth Avenue and Congress Street; or call the
Arts District Partnership at 624-9977.
FALL FEST. Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 2331 E. Adams
St. Enjoy food, fun and spooks galore at the Grace St. Paul's
Fall Festival from 4 to 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and from
9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, October 30 through November 1. Kids
can visit the haunted house, and try their luck at the games.
There will also be crafts and jewelry, food booths, a plant and
white elephant sale, baked goods and more. Call 327-6857 for information.
PUT UP YOUR DUKES. Kino Veterans Memorial Community Center.
2805 E. Ajo Way. The Pima County Parks and Recreation Center,
with the Centro del Sur Community Center and the Aztlan Youth
Boxing Program present an Amateur Boxing Show at 6 p.m. Saturday,
November 1. Admission is $3. Call 792-3937 for information.