BOTANICAL GARDENS. Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon
Way. From 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, October 10, Gardener Tarke Sweet
discusses how to have a continuous succession of colorful blooms
in the garden during Tucson's fall-winter growing season. Pre-registration
is required. Cost is $12, $10 for TBG members. Regular admission
to the gardens is $4, $3 for seniors, free for members and children
under age 12. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through
Sunday. Call 326-9686 for information.
LANDSCAPE LECTURES. Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del
Norte. 742-6455. Horticulturist Bruce Evans presents When Grass
is Not a Lawn, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, October 13, in the Wilson
Room. Evans shows how native or naturalized desert grasses can
contribute to a natural home landscape, serving as ornamental
or accent plants. A variety of plants, seeds, and identification
books are available for purchase. Landscape architect Jeffrey
Trent presents Room with a View: Outdoor Living Spaces,
at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 15, in the Wilson Room. Trent, who
specializes in richly textured gardens that combine outdoor living
areas with environmental responsibility, shares ideas on creating
outdoor living spaces that invite homeowners to relax on the patio,
eat dinner al fresco, and entertain under the stars. Lectures
are $2 for non-members, free for members. RSVP to 742-6455.