BOOKSIGNING. Clues Unlimited. 123 S. Eastbourne. 326-8533.
Margaret Maron signs and discusses Killer Market, the fifth
in the Judge Deborah Knott series, from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, August
DEAD POET'S SOCIETY. Let your creative juices flow! A safe
place to read poetry and prose. Discussion and feedback are encouraged.
We are interested in your writing and thoughts. Bi-monthly meetings.
Come join us! Call 750-1482 for information.
LITERACY VOLUNTEERS. For the love of literacy, become a
tutor. Literacy Volunteers of Pima County offers free reading
instruction and English help for adults. Call 292-0602 for information.
POETRY AND MORE. The Casbah. 628 N. Fourth Ave. Join other
Tucson poets and storytellers from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays
to share your own works, or listen to those of others. Call 792-9910
for information.
TEENAGE WRITERS GROUP. Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave.
A writers' group for teenagers, run by teenagers, meets from 7
to 9 p.m. Wednesday evenings. Share your writing, ideas, read
books, go to literary events, and make friends with similar interests.
Call Jenny at 791-9942 for information.