ANGEL YOUTH CENTER. 160 E. Alameda St. Youth of all ages
are welcome to participate in the center's free activities including
billiards, ping pong, arts and crafts, music lessons, and computer
games. The center is open from 1 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday,
and 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, and until 10:30 p.m. Downtown Saturday
Nights. Call 624-2447 for information.
AT-HOME MOMS. Join the At-Home Moms Network at their next
meeting Wednesday, August 27. Learn about playgroups, outings,
and other support systems for mothers. Call 721-5787 for information.
BUILD-A-BIKE. BICAS Youth Underground Build-A-Bike program
is an eight-session program for adults and kids, offering extensive
hands-on training for basic bicycle mechanics. In addition to
learning new skills, you'll also be helping your community by
fixing up old bikes and getting them back on the streets. Students
are required to complete a 25-hour apprenticeship and final exam
to earn their first bicycle. Classes are from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays,
and from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Class tuition is based on a sliding-scale.
Call 628-7950 for registration and information.
FAMILY NIGHT OUT. Kids and parents can learn together with
free classes from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday nights, from September
8 through November 17. Tucson High Magnet School presents classes
in dance, jewelry, quilt making, surfing the Internet, and open
use of the library. Class orientation is at 6:30 p.m. August 25.
Call 617-7524 for information.
THEATRE WORKSHOPS. 5671 E. Speedway. Write a script, get
a crack at acting and more, with Arizona Youth Theater Workshops.
On Thursday, August 28, Elanore Johnson teaches participants the
art of dance including tap, ballet, jazz, and different forms
of country line and non-line dancing. Classes meet from 5 to 7
p.m. Cost is $15. Call 546-9805 for registration, and information
on upcoming workshops.
Parents' Corner
CHILDREN TO CHILDREN. 3922 N. Mountain Ave. Children to
Children is a grief support center for children and families who
have experienced the death of someone they love. They provide
support services in a caring environment, and currently have space
available in their groups. Call 322-9155 for information.
COMMUNITY SCHOOLS. Tucson Community Schools, Inc., a parent
cooperative preschool and kindergarten, provides a stimulating
learning environment for your child. Small classes, developmentally
appropriate curriculum, unique outdoor play area, gentle, positive
discipline, and optional extended days. Accredited by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children, non-discriminatory
policy. Ages 3 to 6. Call 326-9212 for registration and information.
ME & THE KIDS. Christ Community Church presents Just
Me and The Kids, a 10-week program for parents and kids of
single-parent families, beginning Sunday, September 14. Childcare
for children under age 4 will be provided. Cost is $15 per family.
Registration is limited. Call Pastor Ron Taylor at 296-8501 for
registration and information.
PARENTING 101. Tucson Council on Alcoholism & Drug
Dependence. 1230 E. Broadway. The Tucson Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Dependence presents the following free classes: BASICS
(Building A Strong Independent Child) includes classes, activities,
discussion and support for parents and children, infants through
adolescents, with the goal of encouraging our children to be healthy,
substance-free, and caring individuals. Classes meet from 6 to
8 p.m. Tuesdays, and from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. Enrollment is
open. Discovering Normal Parenting teaches basic parenting
skills, plus information on substance abuse, addiction, and its
impact on the family, especially children. This unique six-class
series, developed by the Children of Alcoholics Foundation, meets
from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday evenings, beginning August 19, with extended
registration through August 26. Call Linda Yuguchi at 620-6615,
ext. 22, for registration and information.
THE PARENT CONNECTION. 5326 E. Pima St. 321-1500. Help
new families get off to a good start. Use your time and talents
to work with newborns and their parents. Volunteers are needed
to offer support, advice, and a caring ear to new parents. Comprehensive
training provided. Call Sheryl Thomasson at 321-1500 for more