Events This Week
VIDEO TENSIONS. The UA Media Arts Department presents VideoTENSIONS,
the seventh annual alternative and experimental video series.
The free series screens at
7:30 p.m. every other Thursday from June 4 through August 13,
at the UA Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building Auditorium,
Room 202, at Speedway and Mountain Avenue. Lisa Steele and Kim
Tomczak introduce VideoCANADA at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June
4. Steele and Tomczak present a screening of their feature-length
narrative film Legal Memory at 8 p.m. Friday, June 5, at
The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress St. Tickets are $4. Call 621-7352
for more information about the series.
TRAIN SWAP. Rodeway Inn Event Center. 1365 W. Grant Road.
The Gadsen-Pacific Toy Train Operating Museum is conducting its
13th annual Roadrunner Toy Train Swap Meet from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, June 6. Toy trains of all gauges, related accessories
and train memorabilia are the featured items for sale and swap.
Admission is free. Selling is allowed with prior arrangements.
Contact Bud Stewart, Meet Chairman, at 749-0228 for information.
D-DAY REVIVAL SHOW. Mat Bevel Institute.
530 Stone Ave. Witness the theatrical mechanical spectacle of
the Mat Bevel Institute and the exotic vaudevillian circus staged
by performance artist Mat Bevel and company. Ethno-percussionist
Swami Robbi Robbi, Catacoustic Groove, Jimmy Carr and friends,
LouAnn Lucas and Mat Bevel perform at 8 p.m. Friday, June 5. Admission
is $5. Call 622-0192 for information.
DOWNTOWN SATURDAY. Downtown Tucson is alive in the cool
of the evening and into the wee hours on Saturday, June 6. Events
this week feature a pre-Juneteenth celebration with performances
by Harhare, commissioned work by Barbea Williams, and dance by
Denise Hawthorne-Bey. Most events will be at the Ronstadt Transit
Center from 7 to 10 p.m. For information on other events, stop
by the booth on Sixth Avenue and Congress Street, or call the
Arts District Partnership at 624-9977
MOON STROLL. The Valley of the Moon. 2544 E. Allen Road,
north of Prince Road, east of Tucson Boulevard. Wander at your
leisure through the gardens, pools, caverns and pathways from
7 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays in June, July and
August. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted
for the restoration of this Arizona Historic Registry site. Call
323-1331 for information.
SUMMER FIESTA. Ochoa School, East Playground. 101
W. 25th St. The West Ochoa Neighborhood Association is staging
its inaugural Summer Fiesta from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 6.
This community event features free raffles, food, games, information
booths and live entertainment. Call 624-6207 for information.
SUMMER FILM SERIES. Unitarian Universalist Church, Servetus
Room. 4831 E. 22nd St. The Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group presents
a summer film series featuring classic and modern films of the
Balkans beginning with a screening of The Mask of Dimitrios
at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 9. The screenings are free. Call 748-1551
for information.
TEEN DANCE. Tucson Association for the Blind. 3767 E. Grant
Road. Teens are invited to come out and dance from 7 to 10 p.m.
Friday, June 5 . This fun-for-all dance is sponsored by Third
Street Kids, Direct and the Spaulding Foundation. Refreshments
will be served. Call Kris at 624-6452 for information.