GROWTH MANAGEMENT. Historic Y Theater, Fifth Avenue and
University Boulevard. The Citizens for Growth Management sponsor
a statewide petition drive for an urban sprawl initiative on the
November ballot. Local campaign strategy meetings are at 6 p.m.
every Thursday through June. Sign up at the meetings, or call
792-6589 for information.
NOON ART TALKS. Tucson Museum Of Art. 140 N. Main Ave.
624-2333. Join Vicki L. Ruiz for Comrades, Cowgirls and Curanderas:
Spanish/Mexican Women in the Southwest, 1540-1900, at noon
Wednesday, June 10. Admission is free. Call 624-2333 for information.
RESOURCES FOR WOMEN. RFW Center, 5210 E. Pima St., Suite
130. Donna Reed presents Powerful Self-Introductions, from
noon to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 9. Workshop is free for RFW members,
$10 for guests. Reservations are requested at least 24 hours in
advance. Call 388-8810 for reservations and information.
WARTIME ARIZONA. Arizona Historical Society Museum. 949
E. Second St. Learn more about Arizona's diverse and intriguing
military history with the AHS spring lecture series, Wartime
Arizona. Lectures are at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings. Free,
lighted parking is available in the AHS parking lot on the ground
floor of the UA Main Gate garage. Persons with a disability may
request reasonable accommodation, preferably in advance. Lectures
are $5, $3 for students. Call 628-5774 for information.