Events This Week
DISASSEMBLED PARODY. Espresso Caffé. 6546 E. Tanque
Verde Road. Seven student poets, with local bands Veering Every
Red and the Perversion All-Stars, present the multi-media event
Disassembled Parody at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 12. Performance
includes spoken-word, music, and performance and visual art. Cost
is $2. Call 290-9303 for information.
MOON STROLL. The Valley of the Moon. 2544 E. Allen Road,
north of Prince Road, east of Tucson Boulevard. Wander at your
leisure through the gardens, pools, caverns and pathways from
7 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays in June, July and
August. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted
for the restoration of this Arizona Historic Registry site. Call
323-1331 for information.
POOL OF FUN. The Tucson Parks and Recreation Department
sponsors several opportunities for free summer fun for families
and teens at municipal pools. Friday night teen pool parties meet
from 7:30 to 11 p.m. through August 7. Family Dive-In Movie Nights
are held from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays through August 8. Children
under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Call 791-4873 for detailed
scheduling information.
VIDEO TENSIONS. The UA Media Arts Department presents "VideoFUTURES:
The New McLennium," a series of alternative and experimental
videos presented by Mindy Faber, as part of the VideoTENSIONS
'98 summer series. Screenings are free and begin at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 18, at the UA Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Building Auditorium, Room 202, at Speedway and Mountain Avenue.
Call 621-7352 for more information about the series.