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LITERATUREBOOKSIGNING. Barnes and Noble. 5480 E. Broadway. 745-9822. The following booksignings are on Saturday, March 16: Richard Moargan signs copies of A Guide to Historic Missions and Churches of the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands from 2 to 4 p.m.; and Carolyn Grossman and Suzanne Myal sign copies of Discovering Tucson: A Guide to the Old Pueblo and Beyond from 4 to 6 p.m.BOOKSIGNING. Borders Books and Music. 4235 N. Oracle Road. 292-1331. Carolyn Grossman and Suzanne Myal discuss and sign Discovering Tucson: A Guide to the Old Pueblo and Beyond at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 16. BOOKSIGNING. The Book Mark. 5001 E. Speedway. 881-6350. Hal Milton discusses and signs copies of Going Public: A Practical Guide to Developing Personal Charisma from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14; James Glinski and Gene Magee sign Above Tucson: Then and Now from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 16; and Kathleen Stokker signs Folklore Fights the Nazis from noon to 2 p.m., followed by Kirby Jonas signing Season of the Vigilante from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 19. BOOKSIGNING. Rainbow Moods. 3532 E. Grant Road. 326-9643. deTraci Regula discusses and signs The Mysteries of Isis at 1 p.m. Sunday, March 17. A DAY WITH FATHER GREELEY. Noted author and sociologist Father Andrew Greeley spends Saint Patrick's Day spinning Irish tales and signing books from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 17, at Borders Books and Music, 4235 N. Oracle Road. A childrens' story hour begins at 1 p.m., with booksigning following at 2 p.m. End the day with a poetry reading at 4 p.m. in the espresso bar. Call 292-1331 for information. READING. The UA Poetry Center offers free poetry readings at 8 p.m. Wednesdays in the UA Modern Languages Building auditorium. Novelist Terry Tempest Williams reads from her works on March 20. Call 321-7760 for information. JAMES JOYCE SOCIETY. The James Joyce Society meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, in the Bowler Room at Café Magritte, 254 E. Congress St. All people interested in Joyce and his works are welcome. Call 623-8905 for information. DEAD POETS SOCIETY. No longer hiding our poetry in boxes, the group now meets to discuss hidden ideas, impressions, inspirations and passions, catalyzed by shared writing and converted into found connections. Call 577-2444 for information. WRITING CONTEST. The Arizona Author's Association sponsors its 15th annual literary contest. Unpublished poetry, essays and short stories are being accepted from published and unpublished writers. For contest rules and information, send SASE to: AAA Literary Contest, 3509 E. Shea Blvd., No. 117, Phoenix, AZ 85028-3339. Deadline is July 29. CALL FOR ENTRIES. Messages From the Heart, a quarterly journal dedicated to letter writing, is accepting submissions. Send heartfelt letters, journal entries, poems, comments or drawings about letter writing to: P.O. Box 64840, Tucson, AZ 85728. Include 55-cents postage for a free issue. Submissions for an original postcard contest are also under consideration, for a $5 entry fee. A two-year subscription will be awarded for best artwork and best message. Call 577-0588 for information. SPARROWGRASS POETRY. Sparrowgrass Poetry is offering a grand prize of $500 for the Distinguished Poet Awards poetry contest. Poets may enter one poem only, 20 lines or less, on any subject and in any poetic style. Submitted poems will also be considered for publication. No entry charge. Deadline is May 31. Send entries to: Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, Inc., Dept. E, 203 Diamond St., Sisterville, WV 26175. CALL FOR ENTRIES. Modern Poetry Society seeks new poetry from adult and young writers. Prizes range from $10 to $500. Send one poem, 25 lines or less, with the poet's name, address and age (if under 21) and send to: Modern Poetry Society, P.O. Box 2029, Dunnellon, FL 34430-2029. Poems will not be returned. Deadline is March 31.
Out Of Town
AUTHORS' NIGHT. Escape to the mountains of Flagstaff and clear your mind for Authors' Night, a consortium providing a non-threatening atmosphere for published and unpublished regional writers to share their literary works. The next Authors' Night meets March 18, with a pot-luck supper at 6 p.m. Readings start at 7 p.m. at the Coconino Center for the Arts, Highway 180 to North Fort Valley Road. Meetings are held the third Monday of every month. Call (520) 779-6921 for information. KIDS DESERT MUSEUM FUN. Families learn how the Indians farmed on the desert and how they traded for different crops in Chiltepines and Anasazi Beans from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, March 17, at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 2021 N. Kinney Road. Fee is $10 adults, $4 children ages 6 to 12 years. Pre-registration required. Call 883-3018 for registration and information. S.P.E.A.K. FOR KIDS. S.P.E.A.K. (Supporting and Promoting Ethics for the Animal Kingdom) invites high school students to help make a difference for animals. Participants learn activist skills and meet new friends. Call 323-6247 for information on March meetings. MUSIC CLASSES. Music classes of all levels and types are offered at the Desert Dove School of Music, 6163 S. Midvale Park Road. Beginning and intermediate band, guitar and preschool/interactive music classes are now forming. Call Judith Richardson at 888-3352 for information.
Parents' Corner
TUSD BOARD MEETINGS. The board meets at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in the Morrow Education Center Board Room, 1010 E. 10th St. Call 617-7303 for information. GUARDIANSHIPS. The 12th annual meeting for Guardianships of Southern Arizona happens at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 16, at the Hilton Hotel, 7600 E. Broadway. Local agencies give informational talks and the board officers are elected. Call 886-4899 for registration, transportation and information. RAINBOW FAMILIES. Rainbow Families, a gay, lesbian and bisexual parents network, holds a support and discussion group every third Saturday of the month. Meetings are held in Room 31 of St. Francis in the Foothills Church at River and Swan roads. The next meeting is at 4 p.m. Saturday, March 16. All gay, lesbian, and bisexual parents, partners, and family members are welcome. Call Craig at 318-9348 for information. FAMILY FORUMS. Family Forum and Community Forum are free, ongoing classes which meet at 10:15 a.m. every Sunday at St. Philip's In The Hills Episcopal Church, 4440 N. Campbell Ave., in the Vestry Room. Family Forum offers frank discussion about families, children and parenting. Call 299-6421 for information. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS. Parents Without Partners, a support organization for single parents, meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 2447 N. Los Altos Ave., Chapter Hall No. 45. A St. Patrick's Day dance happens Saturday, March 16th. Admission is $6. Call 622-8120 for information. THE PARENT CONNECTION. The Parent Connection, 5326 E. Pima St., offers a variety of educational and support services for families. The program's core is its Parent/Child Play program, which brings parents and children together for activities geared toward the social and physical development of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. The program provides instruction and discussion on communication, setting limits and nurturing for young children. The Parent Connection also offers a meeting site, library, indoor/outdoor play areas and referral to community resources for families. Additional class and lecture series and support groups are available. Call 321-1500 for registration and information.
MUSEUMSArizona Historical Society. 949 E. Second St. 628-5774. Continuing through December 31, 1996: A Memento for My Descendants: The Buehman Studio Perspective, featuring the photographic works of German immigrant Henry Buehman; Exploring 1870s Tucson, a hands-on exhibit showcasing Tucson's rich, multi-cultural heritage; and Emergence: The South Park Story, 1940-1950, an intimate look at the South Park Neighborhood, one of Tucson's first Black communities. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday.ARIZONA STATE MUSEUM. Park Avenue and University Boulevard. 621-6302. The Arizona State Museum, on the University of Arizona campus, features anthropology exhibits with particular emphasis on the Southwest. The annual open house will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 23. The museum's storeroom, labs and preparation areas are opened for public viewing, with a variety of entertainment and hands-on activities planned for children and adults. Continuing through December 1996: Mexican Masks: Faces of the Fiesta, an exhibit of more than 350 Mexican folk masks, from mermaids to scorpions. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Free admission. Flandrau Science Center. UA campus. 621-STAR. Flandrau's Summer Science program offers fun and educational science workshops aimed specifically at middle-school students. Call for registration and class listings. Exhibit halls feature hands-on science exhibits and a 16-inch telescope that allows the public an astronomer's view of the night sky. A mineral museum in the basement features hundreds of beautiful minerals and gems. The planetarium theater offers entertaining programs on scientific and cultural topics, as well as laser light shows featuring projections that explode across the dome in a rainbow of colors. Continuing: Through the Eyes of Hubble, a look at the daring repair mission by NASA and the images Hubble captures. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission to exhibits is $2, free with purchase of a theater ticket. Up to four children are free when accompanied by a paying adult. Telescope viewing is still free and is offered from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Theater ticket prices are $3 and $4.50. Call 621-STAR for information on times and shows. FORT LOWELL MUSEUM. 2900 N. Craycroft Road. 885-3832. Continuing: We Served at Fort Lowell, a photographic exhibit featuring soldiers and their families stationed at Fort Lowell from 1873 through 1891. GADSDEN-PACIFIC TOY TRAIN OPERATING MUSEUM. Foothills Mall. 7401 N. La Cholla Blvd. See and operate antique and contemporary toy trains at this free museum, Friday through Sunday during mall hours. INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE MUSEUM. 4800 W. Gates Pass Road. 629-0100. This non-profit educational institution is dedicated to increasing the knowledge and appreciation of the world's fascinating wildlife. Admission is $5, $3.75 for seniors, military and students and $1.50 for children ages 6 to 12. Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. PIMA AIR MUSEUM. 6000 E. Valencia Road. 574-9658. On display are 185 military, commercial and civilian aircraft, including a full-scale mock-up of Kitty Hawk, a presidential plane used by news media and JFK during the 1960s, numerous photos, air and space uniforms and memorabilia. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with last admittance at 4 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and military and $3 for children ages 10 to 17. Free for aviation buffs under 10. Reid Park Zoo. 22nd Street, east of Country Club Road. 791-4022. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Admission is $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for seniors, 75 cents for children 5 to 14 and free for children 4 and under. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For the safety of the animals, don't bring any food, toys or pets. RIALTO THEATRE GALLERY. 318 E. Congress St. 740-0126. Continuing: an exhibition of historic theatre photos, artifacts and cinematic memorabilia as part of an effort to educate the public about the history of downtown theatres and the renovation of the Rialto. The exhibit traces the history of 20 prominent theatres located downtown between 1920 and 1980. Regular exhibit hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 740-0126 for information. SOSA-CARRILLO-FREMONT HOUSE MUSEUM. 151 S. Granada Ave. 622-0956. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. YOZEUM. 2900 N. Country Club Road. 322-0100. Museum hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. On display are all kinds of yo-yos, from styles popular in the 1920s to current designs, and yo-yo memorabilia. The owner of the museum is Don Duncan, Jr., son of the founder of Duncan Yo-Yos. Groups and schools can call ahead to arrange for a tour. Free admission. TUCSON CHILDREN'S MUSEUM. 200 S. Sixth Ave. 792-9985. Special children's activities will be offered from noon to 5 p.m. for St. Patrick's Day Sunday, March 17. Saturday Artworks are held at 2:30 p.m. every Saturday. Recycled materials are emphasized. Sunday Science explores topics from dinosaurs to rainbows from 1 to 2 p.m. every Sunday. Winning writing and art projects incorporating lessons students learned about the Holocaust and prejudice after visiting the Anne Frank: Message of Hope art exhibit last fall are currently on display. Regular museum hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Tuesdays are reserved for group tours only. Admission is $1.50 for children, $3 for adults. Call 792-9985 for registration and information. |
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