AUDUBON SOCIETY. First Congregational Church. 824
N. Second Ave. The Tucson Audubon Society presents Oilbirds,
Ornate Hawk Eagles and Purple Honeycreepers: The Fabulous Birdlife
of Trinidad, a slide-lecture and potluck at 6 p.m. Monday,
December 8. Emery Froelich, who has made twice-yearly birding
trips to the American tropics for the past 20 years, will share
his photographs and stories. Call 629-0510 for information.
DIVORCE SUPPORT. The Family Counseling Agency offers a
free support group for people who are ending their relationships
and adjusting to the single lifestyle. All groups are free of
charge. Call 323-3952 for information.
FAMILY TREE. Learn valuable clues for researching your
family's heritage from the Friends of Family History Land and
Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson, with classes at 1:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through December 30. Classes include:
Basics of Genealogy Research in the German Empire, British
Isles Court Records and Probates, Introduction to Genealogy, U.S.
Newspapers and Directories, Tracking Immigrants, and more.
Classes are $8.50, free to members of Friends and Los Descendientes.
Call 790-5444 for registration and information.
JUSTICE SERVED. Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. Join the
Tucson Institute for The Good and Evil Within our Justice System
at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, December 6. Come take sides and express
yourself. Call 791-4393 for information.