BIODIVERSITY WALKS. The Southwest Center for Biological Diversity offers "biodiversity walks" at 9 a.m. every first and third Sunday of the month. Join Center staff and expert guests for a walk along Cienega Creek. Learn about the importance of riparian habitats for wildlife and water quality, and the implications of grazing management. Expect a two-mile walk lasting two to three hours. Don't forget your hat and water! Call David Hogan at 733-1391 for reservations and directions.

NATURE CONSERVANCY. Get out of the bustle of town and take a trip to the Nature Conservancy's Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Visitor Center. There you can get back to nature and enjoy bird watching, guided tours and hikes. Regular preserve hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Take Highway 82 to Patagonia, head west on Fourth Avenue, and south on Pennsylvania. Call (520) 394-2400 for information.

MURRAY SPRINGS HIKE. Visit the Murray Springs mammoth kill site, then hike down Curry Draw to the San Pedro River on this moderately-strenuous six mile hike on Saturday, November 23. Dress in sturdy, comfortable clothes and shoes and bring at least one quart of drinking water and some food. Don't forget your sunglasses, binoculars, camera, etc. Hikes will not be canceled because of the weather. Pre-registration and prepayment is required. For information and registration call the FSPR office at (520) 459-2555. Ask about slower-paced interpretive weekend walks for the whole family.

TOHONO CHUL PARK. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. Tohono Chul Park grounds are open from 7 a.m. to sunset daily. Exhibit hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $2. Enjoy a Walk in the Park tour at 8 a.m. Tuesday and Saturday; Art in the Park tours, docent-guided looks at gallery exhibits, are at 11 a.m. Thursday and Sunday. The park offers additional guided tours for your enjoyment. Call and ask for a complete schedule of daily events. Call 742-6455 for park information.

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