Events This Week
ARCHITECTURE TOURS. Join R. Brooks Jeffery, curator of
the Arizona Architectural Archives, for a tour of buildings by
architect Josias Joesler on Sunday, October 12. One of Tucson's
most noteworthy architects, Joesler was responsible for popularizing
the Spanish Colonial Revival style. Tours begin at 11 a.m. at
the Hacienda del Sol resort, and conclude at 3 p.m. Cost is $50,
which includes a $15 tax-deductible contribution to the Arizona
Architectural Archives. Call Laurel Cooper at 327-7235 for reservations
and information.
COUNTER COLUMBUS. Zenith Center. 330 E. Seventh St. Express
solidarity and resistance to Columbus Day from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 12. The evening will begin with an opening ceremony
by Edison Cassadore, followed by poetry, stories, and words of
wisdom by Agnes Attakai, Neilwood Begay, Joan DeMarcos, Peter
Galvin, Jessica Jaramillo, David Mitchell, Christina Ramirez and
Elwood Pipestem, among others. There will also be an open mic;
sign-up begins at 6:30 p.m. Admission is a $2 donation for the
Yoemem Tekai Foundation/Yaqui Community Youth Center. Call 740-1291
or 740-0095 for information.
DOUBLEWIDE SHOWROOM. The Screening Room. 127 E. Congress
St. Original poetry, film and music tempt pueblo denizens away
from their TVs from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, October 9. This
monthly event aims to unite emerging Tucson artists with meaningful-media
starved audiences. Admission is $2. Call 622-2262 for information.
HARVEST SPIRIT. Estridge Plaza. 7656 E. Speedway. Join
the Spirit Weavers' for their Harvest Spirit Arts and Crafts Festival
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12.
There will be artisan demonstrations, food tastings and more.
Proceeds from the festival will be donated to the Tucson Shalom
House, and donations of large disposable diapers and laundry detergent
will be gratefully accepted at their booth. Call 546-4656 for
HAUNTED RUINS. The Valley of the Moon. 2544 E. Allen Road,
north of Prince Road, east of Tucson Boulevard. Step into a world
of enchantment and not-too-scary-fun at the Valley of the Moon
for a Haunted Ruins tour October 9 through 12, 16 through
19, and 23 through 30. Tours leave the gate every 30 minutes from
7 to 9:30 p.m. Admission is $5, $3 for kids ages 7 to 12, and
free for members and kids under 7. October 12 is Food Bank night--everyone
receives $1 admission in exchange for a can of food. Call 323-1331
for information.
WOMEN'S EXPO. Tucson Convention Center. 260 S. Church Ave.
Learn more about woman-owned Tucson businesses, financial advice,
health information, and more at the 12th Annual Business Women's
Expo from 2 to 8 p.m. Thursday, October 9. There will be display
tables and information for women of all ages. Admission is free.
Call 881-4506 for information.
XICANO COALITION. El Rio Neighborhood Center. 1390 W. Speedway.
Join the Tucson Xicano Mexicano Coalition in their protest against
the "discovery" of America on Saturday and Sunday, October
11 and 12, with the third annual Restoring Unity in Aztlan. Saturday
activities center on Encuentro de La Raza, a dinner and
dance fundraiser for TXMC beginning at 4 p.m. Tickets are $5,
$8 for couples, available at the door. Sunday's Dia de La Raza
Platica begins at 10 a.m. Call Maricela Robles at 498-9405
or 712-9044 for information.