Easy Prey
Why expert witnesses are afraid to testify against Arizona'a child molestors.
By Karen Brandel
Missives from our adoring/outraged readers.
Malignant growth that benefits only the upper tier of the merchant
class is ruining Tucson's quality of life for the rest of us poor
By Jeff Smith
The Skinny
Oro Valley residents are getting their act together...The ax is
about to fall at Hughes...Pima County employees get screwed...and
much more!
Showdown At City Hall
Bruce Wheeler wants Tucson Mayor George Miller's job. Is it any
wonder these two guys despise each other?
By Jim Nintzel
Paying Through The Hose
Tucson Water is subsidizing developers at the expense of its current
By Jim Wright
Five-Way Free-For-All
The Democratic primary in Tucson's Ward 1 has plenty of city council
hopefuls--some more serious than others.
By Jim Nintzel
City Week
Big doings in Tucson for the week of September 7 - September 13.
Eighth Day
Of course the bathing suits should stay in the Miss America contest.
By Hannah Glasston
Cheap Thrills
Fun things to do that won't cost a fortune.
City Week Listings
Tucson's most extensive list of what's going on.
Rogue Awakening
Shane MacGowen is The Pogues--and the rest of the group
should take him back before he sobers up and realizes he doesn't
need them.
By Dave McElfresh
Boukman Eksperans, the Haitian vodou group, knows what it's like
to perform a hair's-breadth away from instant death.
By Michael Metzger
Quick Scans
Blind Melon, Dead Fucking Last, Wayne Jackson & Andrew Love.
Club Listings
What's happening at the local hot spots for the week of September 7 - September 13.
Dark Vision
A sprawling exhibition put together by the Anne Frank House in
Amsterdam is absorbing, informative and, of course, disturbing.
By Margaret Regan
The ups and downs of Ukrainian folk dancing.
By Margaret Regan
Cafe Beaujolais provides wonderful tastes from the culinary crucible
of Savoy.
By M.F. Munday
Out There
During Tucson's God-awful summer, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
really shines at night.
By Kevin Franklin
Things to bet on now that University of Arizona football is cranking up.
By Tom Danehy
The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects, an independent film from director Bryan
Singer, is the cinematic equivalent of a magic trick.
By Zachary Woodruff
Film Clips
Check out our capsule reviews packed with links to the hottest movie home pages on the Web.
Film Times
What's showing right now on local screens for the week of September 7 - September 13
Real Astrology
Astrology for the week of September 7 - September 13
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