GUITAR RECITAL: Rare to find the person who hasn't picked up this odd-shaped instrument at some point or another and tried to pay tribute to some shining figure of musical idolatry. Rarer still to find those who have succeeded. Whatever your level of play, guitar fans will enjoy this free recital at 7:30 p.m. Friday, September 8, in the Holsclaw Recital Hall on the UA campus. Call the MusiCall event hotline at 621-2998 for information.
CALIFORNIA DREAMIN': When some of us picture an architect "committed to the ideals of the California lifestyle," visions of subdivisions and shopping centers spin in our heads. But that's not the vision followed by architect Ray Kappe, a prolific author on environmental planning and design, founder of the progressive Southern California Institute of Architecture and internationally renown architectural designer. Kappe will discuss his 42-year career in a free lecture and slide presentation at 12:30 p.m. Friday, September 8, in the UA Center for Creative Photography. Call 621-6754 for information.
CAT'S MEOW: The Kino Kat Klub, whose kute spelling will forever dissuade the use of an acronym, will feature felines of all cultures and colors in its annual Fall Allbreed Cat Show, convening from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, September 9 and 10, in the TCC meeting rooms, 260 S. Church Ave. Admission is $3 for adults, $2 for children under 12 and seniors. Call Mary Anne at 622-3827 for information.
HARVEST MOON: Flandrau Science Center moon man Michael Terenzoni has compiled a list of astronomical sights visible in the night sky throughout September. He writes: "The Moon, 240,000 miles from Earth, will rise in the east about 6:15 p.m." Is it just us, or is this oddly reminiscent of Linus' tale of the coming of the Great Pumpkin? Anyway, the full "Harvest Moon" will be visible in all its glory from September 7 through 9. Not that you'll need help finding it, but free telescope viewing is available from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday at Flandrau Science Center on the UA mall.
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