MOONLIGHT CONCERT: Catacoustic Groove is a group of UA students and professors who've found their niche in performing a cappella classics from the 1930s, in addition to more contemporary selections. Come hear these desert rats croon at the moon at 8 p.m. Thursday, September 14, in the cool, outdoor performance garden at Tohono Chul Park, 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. Admission is $5, $2 for children and park members. Call 742-6455 for information.
DARE TO BE BARE: "Clothing-optional recreation" hits the Naked Pueblo this weekend. Tan your hide with the Canyon State Naturists at the Dare to Be Bare Weekend, September 15 through 17. This "campout on public lands northwest of Tucson" will feature "competitions with a Mexican theme, hikes, body painting, volleyball, educational workshops and more." Crafts for the kids will also be offered. But keep your pants on, voyeurs: The naturist philosophy advocates "acceptance of the nude body and the right to express that belief in a natural, non-sexual setting." Do not try this on the UA mall. Call (602) 834-0039; or fax (602) 835-9026 for a guest pass to the weekend's events.
THEY'RE BAAACK: "Planetary peace pilgrims" José and Lloydine Arguelles, organizers of Harmonic Convergence 1987, return to Tucson after a World Peace Mission tour including Russia, India, Egypt and South Africa, extended visits to sacred sites in Mexico and Central America, and audiences with the United Nations and "many world leaders" such as Nelson Mandela and Moamar Khadafy. The Arguelles team presents the 13-Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 20, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 4831 E. 22nd St. For an evening of "fourth dimensional love, light and laughter," be sure to mark your calendar, "no matter how many moons it has." Call 321-1398 for information.
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