COLOSSAL CAVE MOUNTAIN PARK. Tour mysterious cave routes
and enjoy a rib dinner under the ramada. Tours are conducted the
first and third Saturdays of the month. Call 647-7275 for reservations,
information and directions.
NIGHT WALKS. Saguaro National Park East. Join park naturalists
exploring the desert night life during special night walks from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays of each month.
Advance registration is required. Contact the East Visitor Center
733-5153 for information.
TOHONO CHUL PARK. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. "Walk
in the Park" tours, an overview of the park's 48 acres and
its flora and fauna, are offered at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, and at 1 p.m. Sunday. "Art in the Park" tours,
docent-guided looks at gallery exhibits, are at 11 a.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, and at 2 p.m. Sunday. The park offers additional
guided tours for your enjoyment. "Birds of Tohono Chul"
provides opportunities to observe the many species frequenting
the park, and meets at 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Grounds are open from 7 a.m. to sunset daily. Exhibit hours are
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Admission is $2. Call 742-6455 for a daily events schedule.
WILDLIFE WORKSHOP. Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory.
SABO's naturalists teach a mini-workshop entitled The Hummingbird
on Friday and Saturday, July 31 and August 1. The workshop includes
two sessions of evening instruction, and a field trip. Fees are
$30 general, $20 for SABO members. Call (520) 432-1388 for registration
and information, or visit the website http://www.sabo.org.