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Views Of The WeirdTo the Editor, Regarding recent letters to the editors ("Gay Parade," Tucson Weekly, May 29): Why is everyone so hard on Danehy? He's no bigot. He's perfectly willing to tolerate homosexuality-- as long as he doesn't have to hear about it, see any, think about it, learn anything about it or know that it exists. What is this "embracing" business? Does he really think anybody is asking him to be gay? Some people are weird, but none of the gay people I know are that weird. --Joanna Russ
Raw NerveTo the Editor, Regarding Jeff Smith's "Meaty Memories" (Tucson Weekly, June 5): Real people eat meat. Preferably meat that was cooked by real men and cooked by real women. And written about by an asshole--a real, steel asshole. --Michael Bissonzt To the Editor, Regarding Jeff Smith's "Meaty Memories" (Tucson Weekly, June 5): Smith's obstinacy is another example of generalization as a tool for the reinforcement of one's own intellectual dullness. Or is it bad manners to raise fundamental questions regarding entrenched eating habits? Excuse me, may I leave the table? Go spear a javelina with your ball point, Smith. --Lucas Cox To the Editor, Jeff Smith's "Meaty Memories" (Tucson Weekly, June 5) is a fine effort. I know this because I would like to have written it. Oh, and now he has his scatological reference proportion just about right. --Jim Werstler To the Editor, Do we really know how much that hamburger really costs? Maybe it isn't such a bargain. To begin, the real costs include: grain fed to cows instead of millions of starving people, millions of gallons of water used to grow livestock feed, underpaid farmworkers, and an epidemic of diseases. We need to look beyond the information we are fed that eating meat is somehow good for everyone involved. Knowing the facts about meat consumption could save your life. Eating animal flesh causes or contributes to cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and many other serious illnesses. I wish someone would have told me that sooner. Animals raised on today's factory farms suffer tremendously. Many, so cramped they cannot turn around, wade in their own excrement. The animals' feed is heavily laced with pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones--which are then passed on to you, the consumer. Vegetarians typically report a new sense of healthfulness and vitality once changed over to a meatless diet. This leads me to Jeff Smith and the Tucson Weekly--the land where all vegetarians are pale and wan, the guys kill the buffalo and the girls cook it. I was under the impression that The Weekly was Tucson's alternative newspaper. My impressions have been shattered, however, thanks to Smith. With his "Meaty Memories" (Tucson Weekly, June 5), we find that Jeff is quite a bit sexist and a "real man" who thrives on the consumption of slaughtered animals. Excellent...he already showed his ageist tendencies a few weeks ago. As a Tucson Weekly reader, I'm wondering if the editors are out to lunch. Where's this so-called "alternative paper?" On the same pages I find articles on racism, classism, and environmental degradation, I find Jeff Smith's column. Couldn't anyone with something productive to say be found for the job? Learn the truth about what's on the end of your fork. --Megan Southern
Lease ResistanceTo the Editor, Since I am vitally interested in every level of government and have never missed an election, I read everything about government that I can--including The Skinny.
--Miriam L. Morris
Stiff StandardsTo the Editor, After reading Jeff Smith's "Sex Fiends" (Tucson Weekly, June 12), I believe I have finally grasped his vision of America's future. It is as follows: At a large table are seated members of our political, business and military elite. They are discussing presidential candidates. When one name comes up, a member of the group exclaims: "We can't follow him! He's only done three women this year!" --Bill Foltz
Root Of The ProblemTo the Editor, Regarding "Over a Barrel Cactus" (Tucson Weekly, June 12): Thanks to Jack Gracie, ASARCO Property Engineer, for so concisely summing up the argument against giving ASARCO 21 square miles in the northern end of the Santa Rita Mountains. Discussing the removal of cacti from ASARCO's Mission Mine site, Gracie said, "Actually, we can do anything we want at any time because it's our land." That's precisely why we shouldn't give ASARCO Rosemont Ranch, Jack. Once it owns the land, ASARCO, the top polluter in the state of Arizona, can do anything it wants at any time because it's their land. Enough said. --Bill Moeller To the Editor, Regarding Tim Vanderpool's "Over a Barrel Cactus" (Tucson Weekly, June 12): Please don't try to break my Hart. It seems that Bruce Hart got a dose of what comes around goes around. Approximately one-and-a-half years ago I contacted ASARCO about going on their property to remove cholla cactus skeletons and was told to contact Hart, because they were under contract with him. I called for three months and left messages for him and he never once returned my calls. It made me very happy when I read your story to find out that indeed what comes around goes around. Maybe Hart should spend a little less time crying and a little more time returning calls himself. Thank you for the great work you do and keep it coming. --Chris Lamb Owner, Cactus Products We Want Letters! Thrilled by our brilliant insights? Sick of our mean-spirited attacks? Need to make something perfectly clear? Write: tucsonweekly@tucsonweekly.com
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