
Group Think

With three invitational art exhibitions in town right now, we speculate on who got into what and why.
Margaret Regan

Birthday Bash

Millennium Theatre attempts a revival of "Boys in the Band."
Margaret Regan


Ballpark food has gotten better over the years, but the service in Tucson, at least, is still stone-age.
Rebecca Cook

Bite Me

Further Evidence That Boxing Is A Sleazy Activity.
Tom Danehy

Chow Scan

Chow Scan is Tucson Weekly's selective guide to Tucson restaurants. Reviews are indexed by both category and alphabet and there are over 100 restaurants reviewed, so go grab yourself a fork and dig in.

Talk Back

Tell us what's hot and what's shot on the local arts scene. We're looking for your views on visual, theatrical, dance and God only knows what else creations by the more refined souls among us.

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