BOTANICAL GARDENS. The Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N.
Alvernon Way. The annual Herb Fair is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday,
May 9, and features a wide variety of herb plants and crafts for
display and sale. Admission is free, members are welcome early
at 7 a.m. Enjoy the gardens with your mother for free from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Mother's Day Sunday, May 10. Regular garden
attractions include the Birds and Gardening Tour at
9 a.m. Thursday mornings; and Exploring the Tucson Botanical
Gardens highlights TBG history and plant trivia, and will
familiarize visitors with native flora. Regular admission to the
gardens is $4, $3 for seniors, and free for members and children
under age 12. Call 326-9255 for information.
PERMACULTURE INSTITUTE. The Permaculture Drylands Institute
wants to teach you about sustainable living in drylands. They
meet the second Tuesday of each month for a community breakfast
at 7 a.m. at the Grill,
100 E. Congress St. Call 744-9305 for information. Call
882-9443 for information.
SEMINAR SERIES. Rillito Nursery & Garden Center. 6303
N. La Cholla Blvd. Rillito Nursery hosts a series of free gardening
seminars on the first three Saturdays in May. Expert speakers
will cover desert gardening topics as follows: Trees for the
Desert: Selection, Planting and Care Saturday on May 9; Vines
and Shrubs for Dry Climate Planting (Alternatives to Oleander
Hedges) on May 16; Desert Gardens/Desert Habitats, featuring
information on bird and butterfly gardening n May 23. All seminars
begin at 9 a.m. and include a door prize drawing. Call 575-0995
for information.