
'Faith Healer' Tackles The Murky Realm Of Pomo Reality With Zeal.
By Dave Irwin
REALITY, IN Postmodernist thought, is a choice rather than
a given. Irish playwright Brian Friel's Faith Healer explores
the concept that not only is reality different for different people,
but that people make some very bad choices in the realities they
As the inaugural presentation by Fitful Tulip Productions, Faith
Healer is a rich work finely acted, especially given the demands
it makes on its mere cast of three. Directed and produced by Mitch
Goddard, the play requires exceptional solo skills; none of the
troupe is onstage at the same time, leaving each actor to command
audience attention alone with his or her monologue. The only weakness
is that Friel, in his 1979 work, didn't quite know when to stop
writing. He adds an unnecessary coda that dilutes his play's emotional
climax. Still, there is much to love in Faith Healer, especially
its cyclical structure and enlightening disclosures as each character
succeeds the previous one.
The story revolves around an itinerant faith healer named Frank
Hardy (Ted Parks), his companion Grace (Carlisle Ellis) and his
manager Teddy (Clark Andreas Ray). They've spent 20 years traveling
by van through Wales and Scotland, blurring the lines between
miracle and con.
Frank opens with a sonorous recitation of the towns they've been
through--a display that proves that the very sound of Welsh and
Gaelic has a hypnotic beauty. Eventually, this travelogue litany
repeated by each of the characters focuses and refocuses on several
key locations, returning to the night where Hardy may have miraculously
healed a group of Welsh farmers; where his and Grace's still-born
son was buried by the side of the road; where the Irish locals
turned murderous for his being unable to cure their crippled friend.
Parks gives a performance that, while at first seemingly restrained,
hits just the right tone as we realize the erstwhile con man is
as mystified as anyone by his inconsistent gift. Moreover, his
presence in the face of soul-numbing suffering and absolute hopelessness
has taught him to hide his emotions with seething determination,
and a wistful distortion of fact. Parks, who has considerable
film and TV credits, has been absent from Tucson theatre for three
years; this is a welcome return.
Next comes Grace, who provides a much different view of the preceding
facts. An intelligent woman with a law degree, she's given up
everything to follow Frank, living off the crumbs of his stolid
demeanor. With him gone, she finds herself an emotional husk,
unable to find meaning in life without their dysfunctional relationship.
Pacing, shouting, weeping, Ellis gives a riveting performance
that turns up the heat after the restrained presentation by Parks.
However, Teddy remembers the events even more differently. Here,
Friel is truly inspired as this third character pulls together
strands of events now familiar to draw an entirely new conclusion.
Ray, who also has extensive TV and film credits and works as a
professional stunt man, ups the ante on Ellis' performance by
snarling, screaming and sobbing. He gives a shattering, over-the-top
performance that left several audience members in tears as the
monstrosity and pain of the three life-long companions is laid
At this point, Friel's gift seems to leave him. Despite having
achieved closure and an exceptional catharsis, the playwright
resurrects Frank for one more monologue. Though mildly illuminating,
it feels unnecessary; and after the tour-de-force of Ray's presentation,
its presentation falls flat.
Despite this misstep, Friel (best known for his 1992 Tony-winning
Dancing at Lughnasa), gives a deeply literate, highly poetic
script that is all the more wondrous for eschewing dialogue.
Goddard, founder of Fitful Tulip Productions, has previously
directed for DamesRocket and Zero Theatre, and also has worked
in TV and film production. He started out as stage manager at
Borderlands, and draws from the same wellspring of synergy and
excellence for which that company is well known. This is Goddard's
first stint at producing. If subsequent works fulfill the promise
demonstrated here, this will again raise the ante on quality
community theatre in the Old Pueblo.
Faith Healer, directed by Mitch Goddard, continues
through May 9 in the Cabaret Theatre at the Temple of Music
and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave. Performances are at 8 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $10 general
admission, $8 for senior citizens and students. For reservations
and information, call 743-9313.