If A Supposedly 'Unbiased Journalist' Takes Cash From The Government, Would You Trust His Balance And Integrity?
By Jim Carvalho
JOURNALIST AND MEDIA critic Alexander Cockburn once wrote,
"Today, the final vestiges of critical thought in the press
have been all but extinguished, and mainstream journalists are
as much a part of the ruling class as the political and business
elite." Cockburn was referring to the five-figure speakers'
fees paid to Washington journalists by organizations that have
a vested interest in stories the journalists are covering. Here
in Tucson, no local journalist pulls down five-figure speakers'
fees, but two, John Patterson and Sally Shamrell, earn second
incomes from the City of Tucson, raising serious concerns over
possible conflicts of interest, real or perceived.
Patterson and Shamrell both moonlight for the City of Tucson's
Cable Channel 12, which broadcasts City Council and County Supervisors
meetings, as well as programs like Topic of Tucson, Local
Matters and others, which defend the status quo at taxpayer
Shamrell, who works as a reporter for Tucson's NBC affiliate,
KVOA, collects a second paycheck for her work as the host of Channel
12's City News. She collects $50 in taxpayer funds for
each five-minute segment she hosts, but she sees no conflict of
interest. "At KVOA, I rarely do the city beat," she
says, "and on City News, I read stories that mainstream
media would not have time to cover, things like neighborhood meetings
and festivals."
On the same day a reporter spoke to Shamrell, however, City
News presented segments on police recruiting, the conflict
between Tucson and Phoenix over allocation of tax funds, and the
city's efforts to renovate the downtown train station.
Shamrell's boss at KVOA, Mick Jensen, sees no conflict of interest
and has no problem with Shamrell's checks from the City of Tucson.
"I guess I'm not troubled by it. Sally discussed it with
me before she was given permission," he says.
Patterson, a reporter for Tucson's ABC affiliate, KGUN, is the
host of Channel 12's Assignment Tucson, a weekly hour-long
program focusing on the Tucson Police Department (TPD) and local
law enforcement issues. Patterson is paid $225 for each one-hour
program he hosts, and receives additional compensation for voice-overs
on other Channel 12 programs. According to TPD, half of Assignment
Tucson's annual $70,000 budget comes from the city's General
Fund. The other $35,000 comes from TPD's Crime Prevention Office.
That means John Patterson is paid by two organizations--the City
of Tucson and TPD--which have a vested interest in stories he
reports on for KGUN. Patterson sees no reason for concern, though.
"Is there a conflict of interest? Absolutely not,"
he says. "I'm a fair and unbiased journalist. I approach
everything from the standpoint of being as fair and objective
as possible."
Patterson's boss at KGUN, News Director Forrest Carr, believes
Patterson's involvement with Assignment Tucson is no different
than the traditional relationship between beat reporters and their
sources. He sees no conflict of interest. "John Patterson
has covered stories (at KGUN) that are not in TPD's best interest.
He has never, ever suggested that we not do a story because it
might be negative on the city or TPD. He has proposed stories
that are negative and has pursued them aggressively."
Carr says he carefully reviewed Patterson's Channel 12 job offer
before allowing him to accept the job. "The questions
(about conflict of interest) are legitimate. We ask them of ourselves.
We talked about these issues, and we continue to talk about them.
"KGUN has done more than any other station in this community
to establish lines of communication with our viewers. We have
a viewer ombudsman, Heylie Eigen, and as far as I know, we are
the only station in the U.S. who does. If our viewers get a perception
there's a conflict of interest, we'll act on it.
"If it becomes a concern in the community, John Patterson's
involvement with Assignment Tucson will end. But that would
be unfortunate for Tucson. It's a worthwhile program." Carr
also says Patterson's Channel 12 job meets the requirements of
KGUN's station policy guidelines regarding outside employment,
but he would not make those guidelines available to The Weekly.
In sharp contrast to Carr and Jensen, Carolyn Kane, news
director of Tucson's CBS affiliate, KOLD, says, "We'd never
allow someone (from KOLD) to work for someone else, and especially
not for anyone we cover. We have to cover the police."
Professor Jacqueline Sharkey, who teaches journalism ethics at
the University of Arizona and writes extensively on ethics issues
for American Journalism Review, is critical of the relationship
between Patterson and Channel 12. "This is a clear conflict
of interest," she says. "Mr. Patterson has clearly compromised
his objectivity. One of the fundamental tenets of objective journalism
is that you don't accept money from people or organizations you're
covering. People say, 'I can put these issues aside; it doesn't
affect my objectivity,' but a journalist should never put himself
in that position. He shouldn't take money from the people he's
The fact that Patterson and Shamrell are paid by the government,
as opposed to private entities, is additionally troubling. "One
of the fundamental values of the First Amendment is the right
or duty to report on or be critical of government," says
Jim Calle, a Tucson attorney who teaches a course in Law and the
Media at the UA. "Inherent in that value is the duty to be
as critical as possible. Collecting a paycheck from the government
lessens your credibility. There's certainly a perception of impropriety,"
Calle says.
Sharkey, too, is critical of the government paychecks. "The
idea that lies at the foundation of the First Amendment is that
there should be a firewall between the press and the government,"
she says. "This kind of relationship is an effort to circumvent
the idea that there should be a wall between government and the
media. It's not illegal, but it's a way for government to influence
media without regulating it."
And what about Carr's assertion that Patterson's relationship
with Assignment Tucson is not unlike the standard relationship
between beat reporters and their sources? "That makes a mockery
of the idea of journalistic independence," Sharkey says.
"The idea that Mr. Patterson's relationship with Assignment
Tucson is no different than the relationship between beat
reporters and their sources is ridiculous. The argument defies
logic. Good beat reporters don't take money from their sources.
This is not even a gray area. It's a no-brainer. The people at
KGUN need to study the history of the First Amendment and why
we have one."