ARMCHAIR ADVENTURES. The Tucson-Pima Public Library. 101
N. Stone Ave. 791-4391. The Wilmot Branch of the public library
presents Armchair Adventures, a series of slide-lecture
presentations by travelers who'll journey back in time and around
the globe. On March 5, join Joe Spatz for "Crossing
Norway and Sweden." All presentations are free and begin
at 1:30 p.m. Call 791-5647 for information.
BIZARRE AND BEAUTIFUL. The Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute
presents Entomologist Mike Singer at 1 p.m. Saturday, February
28, with a slide-lecture entitled Bizarre and Beautiful Insects
of Costa Rica. As seating is very limited, reservations are
recommended. Suggested donation is $5. Call 883-9345 for information.
CUGA MEETING. Keep hearing the word "multimedia"
but have only a vague idea of what's involved in creating it?
Richard Earl, of Richard Earl & Associates, demonstrates the
process he uses to produce multimedia presentations on CD-ROMs
and enhanced CDS, and the software and hardware options to create
it, at the Computer Using Graphic Artists meeting on Friday, March
6, at Maxwell's Restaurant, 1661 N. Swan Road. Program starts
with networking at 7 a.m., followed by breakfast and lecture at
7:30 a.m. Cost is $10 for members, $13 general. Reservations are
required. Call Dan Whitby at 749-1185; or e-mail to dwhitby@aol.com.
DIVORCE SUPPORT. The Family Counseling Agency offers a
free support group for people ending relationships and adjusting
to the single lifestyle. All groups are free of charge. Call 323-3952
for information.
FAMILY TREE. Learn valuable clues for researching your
family's heritage from the Friends of Family History Land and
Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson, with classes at 1:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through March 30. Classes include:
Basics of Genealogy Research in the German Empire; British
Isles Court Records and Probates; Introduction to Genealogy; U.S.
Newspapers and Directories; and Tracking Immigrants.
Classes are $8.50, free to members of FHL and Los Descendientes.
Call 790-5444 for registration and information.
REVISIONING ANNE FRANK. Evelyn Torton Beck, Professor of
Women's Studies and Jewish Studies at the University of Maryland,
presents Re/Visioning Anne Frank at 7 p.m. Monday, March
2, at the Hillel Foundation, 1245 E. Second St. The free lecture
is part of the Judaic Studies Distinguished Lecture Series. For
details, call 621-9114.
STOP THE SPRAWL. Historic YWCA. 738 N. Fifth Ave. Renee
Guillory, head of the "Bring Sprawl to a Crawl" campaign
and "Sprawl Costs Us All" project, speaks at 7 p.m.
Thursday, February 26. The free lecture is sponsored by The Sierra
Club. Call 620-6401 for information.
WARTIME ARIZONA. Arizona Historical Society Museum. 949
E. Second St. Learn more about Arizona's diverse and intriguing
military history with the AHS spring lecture series, Wartime
Arizona. Lectures are at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings. Free,
lighted parking is available in the AHS parking lot on the ground
floor of the UA Main Gate garage. Persons with a disability may
request reasonable accommodation; requests should be made in advance.
Lectures are $5, $3 for students. Call 628-5774 for information.