ARMCHAIR ADVENTURES. The Tucson-Pima Public Library. 101
N. Stone Ave. 791-4391. The Wilmot Branch of the public library
presents Armchair Adventures, a series of slide-lecture
presentations by travelers who'll journey back in time and around
the globe. On February 5, learn about "Canyon de Chelly:
Crossroads of Culture," presented by Marc Severson. On February
12, Ruth Wright presents "Treasures of China and the Orient."
All presentations are free and begin at 1:30 p.m. Call 791-5647
for information.
ART TALK. Tucson Museum of Art, Education Center Auditorium.
140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. The 1998 Art Talk series continues
on Monday, February 9, when Laurie Dryden presents "Picture,
Picture, What Are You Saying?"; and on Thursday, February
12, Jean Webster presents "Thomas Cole and His Friends."
All talks are free and begin at 1:30 p.m. Call 624-2333 for information.
BIG BUSINESS & THE MILITARY. Unitarian Universalist
Church. 4831 E. 22nd St. The Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group
presents a free lecture with Dr. Jacqueline Sharkey at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, February 10. Sharkey, Professor of Journalism at the
University of Arizona, presents "Multinational Corporations:
How Media Covers Them and Their Effects Upon U.S. Military Involvement."
Call 623-8905 for information.
DIVORCE SUPPORT. The Family Counseling Agency offers a
free support group for people ending relationships and adjusting
to the single lifestyle. All groups are free of charge. Call 323-3952
for information.
ECOFEMINISM. Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. Michelle Taylor
of the University of Arizona and Megan Southern of the Southwest
Center for Biological Diversity present "An Introduction
to Ecofeminism" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 10. Call 623-5252
for information.
FAMILY TREE. Learn valuable clues for researching your
family's heritage from the Friends of Family History Land and
Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson, with classes at 1:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through February 28. Classes include:
Basics of Genealogy Research in the German Empire; British
Isles Court Records and Probates;Introduction to Genealogy; U.S.
Newspapers and Directories; and Tracking Immigrants.
Classes are $8.50, free to members of FHL and Los Descendientes.
Call 790-5444 for registration and information.
MAYO HISTORY. Arizona Historical Society Auditorium. 949
E. Second St. Native Seeds/SEARCH presents Dr. Barney T. Burns
at 2 p.m. Saturday, February 7. Burns will present a slide-lecture
on Mayo history, culture and weaving. Cost is $8, $6 for NS/S
members. Call 622-5561 for information.
NATURALIST'S ALASKA. UMC DuVal Auditorium. 1501 N. Campbell
Ave. The Tucson Audubon Society presents Bob Wenrick, an avid
naturalist and photographer, at 7 p.m. Monday, February 9. Wenrick
will give a slide-lecture of his recent trip to the Alaskan wilderness.
Kevin Dahl will present a short, pre-program slide-show "Hot,
Sweet and Sticky", highlighting the delicacies of the Sonoran
Desert. Both presentations are free. Call 629-0510 for information.
PICTURE PERFECT. UA Center for Creative Photography, located
just south of the pedestrian underpass off Speedway. Dr. John
P. Schafer presents Ansel Adams: The Artist and His Work,
a free lecture at 2 p.m. Sunday, February 8. Call 621-7968 for
RELATIONSHIP CHOICES. Wilmot Library. 530 N. Wilmot Road.
Bill White, M.C., presents a free seminar, "Making Good Choices
in Love Relationships" from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, February
11. Call 325-6133, ext. 6, to reserve your spot.
SEPARATION OF STATE. Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. The
Tucson Institute presents Dr. Jane Orient at 1:30 p.m. Saturday,
February 7. Orient will discuss the "Separation of State
and School." The meeting is free; free parking is available
in the Library Garage off Alameda.
TAX HELP. While the Tucson/Pima Libraries may not have
tax forms, they are offering a little free tax advice. Representatives
from H&R Block will be on hand during the following times
to discuss the many changes to the federal tax code: from 9:30
to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, February 7, at the Dusenberry-River Center
Library (791-4791); from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, February 7, at
the Wilmot Library (791-2627); from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,
February 18, at the Mission Library (791-4811); from noon to 1
p.m. Thursday, February 19, at the Main Library-- brown bag lunches
welcome, (791-4393); from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, February
19, at the Dewhirst-Catalina Library (791-4862); from 2 to 3
p.m. Thursday, February 19, at the Nannini Library (791-4626);
and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, February 23, at the Himmel
Park Library (791-4397).
WARTIME ARIZONA. Arizona Historical Society Museum. 949
E. Second St. Learn more about Arizona's diverse and intriguing
military history with the AHS spring lecture series, Wartime
Arizona. On February 11, the series continues with "The
Mormon Battalion in Tucson, 1846." Lectures are at 7 p.m.
Wednesday evenings. Free, lighted parking is available in the
AHS parking lot on the ground floor of the UA Main Gate garage.
Persons with a disability may request reasonable accommodation;
requests should be made in advance. Lectures are $5, $3 for students.
Call 628-5774 for information.