Tucson Water's Sweetwater Wetlands
Prince Road and Interstate 10
STAFF PICK: It might be downwind, sometimes, from a stinky
waste-water treatment plant, but the birds sure love it--and we
should, too, considering it naturally purifies the yucky water
we produce--and supplies recharge basins--while providing a happy
habitat for all kinds of wildlife. The Sweetwater Wetlands
near Prince and I-10 opened in March 1998, with park-like facilities
for the public (benches, sidewalks, bridges, restrooms and interpretive
signage) after countless species of birds, reptiles, amphibians
and mammals had already moved in. Someday, we Westerners (as in
the whole sorry hemisphere) will recognize the folly of defecating
in water purified for drinking, and get a clue about the really
basic science involved in safely converting our organic waste
into super stuff for the soil. In the meantime, enjoy the ducks.