Best Burgers

6118 E. Speedway

READERS' PICK: Sure, we loved to think of ourselves as vegetarians, lovers of cows, proud preachers of the joys of soy, and all that. But we had to face it: We're full of bull. We vowed to steer clear of beef, and yet there we found ourselves, at Fuddruckers, bellies full of burgers, again. What is it about this place that keeps reconverting tofu disciples like some money-spewing long-distance company that refuses to let you go? As far as we can tell, there aren't any addictive additives in the thick, high-quality patties; and the steaming hot French fries don't exert any known form of mind control. And we're certain we had free will as we surveyed the heaping selection of condiments. We felt like contestants choosing prizes on Wheel of Fortune: "Um, Pat, I'll take the sautéed onions, the jumbo mushroom slices, and a meat-smothering portion of Vanna...." It's true, nobody forced us to eat there; and between sweet, barbecue-flavored belches we giggled in delight--not at our own guilty pleasure, and not even at the spooneristic qualities of the name "Fuddruckers." No, we giggled because we'd spent only a few bucks more than if we'd gone to McDonald's, the place that compelled us toward vegetarianism in the first place.

READERS' POLL RUNNER-UP: Little Anthony's Diner, 7010 E. Broadway

A REAL SCREAM: The writer Edward Abbey often railed about the environmental damage inflicted on the deserts of the Southwest by livestock grazing. Just as often he stopped in at The Big A, 2033 E. Speedway, for a big juicy burger--a patty on rye with Swiss, say, or a brow-moistening chili-festooned hunk o' beef, or a tsk-tsking bovine masterpiece draped with bacon and sautéed mushrooms. The Big A does burgers just about every way you can imagine, and with uncommon artistry. Have one in Ed's honor.

A REAL SCREAM: There's no burger quite as monstrous as the infamous Bob Burger at Bob Dobb's Bar and Grill, 2501 E. Sixth St. This half-pound juggernaut is loaded with a secret combination of spices, including enough garlic to wipe out the entire population of Transylvannia. Beware: After gulping down one of these, you'll carry the mark of Bob for the rest of the day, seeping through your pores.

Case History

1998 Winner: Fuddruckers
1996 Winner: Fuddruckers
1995 Winner: Fuddruckers

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