Best Selections On Tap

The Wildcat House
1801 N. Stone Ave.

READERS' PICK: Bass, Celis, Pilsner Urquel, Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Guiness, Harp, Pete's Wicked Ale--with 45 different taps, The Wildcat House has more brews than Dr. Jekyll's lab. You'll find the standard domestics along with a long list of imports, microbrews and even hard cider. The Cats-in-Charge are even kind enough to rotate the selections regularly, so there's always a chance to try something new. There's sure to be something to bring out the Hyde in you.

READERS' POLL RUNNER-UP: Old Chicago, 2960 N. Campbell Ave.

A REAL SCREAM: Hanging in resolutely, though looking a little lonely and forlorn in the maw of its property-gobbling neighbor the University of Arizona, Zachary's, 1019 E. Sixth St., stands like Gandalf before the bridge at Khazad-Dum; the last hold-out in the panoply of red brick and parking garages. "If you threaten to tear it down, they will come," one might be tempted to mumble, rearranging the W.P. Kinsella phrase while waiting for a table on a crowded Friday night. But no, they come for the beer. Well, the pizza, too. But the hops lovers will tell you those lovely pies are only to better absorb the beer. Zachary's has been serving an extensive, adventurous selection of beers since long before the microbrew revolution sicced a legion of stogie-reeking yuppies on the innocents out to enjoy a good pint. And what a good pint you get at Zachary's: a mammoth, 22-ounce imperial pint that some need assistance to hoist to their lips. While Guinness and Bass are now omnipresent, Zach's was one of the first to serve them, as well as a long list of stouts, porters, E.S.B., I.P.A. (sounds like a list of labor unions) and seasonal beers from their revolving "guest draught" menu. There are even lagers and pilsners to supplement the now more popular ales. The decor is comfortably déclassé, and the waitstaff hustling but helpful and friendly. A beer lover's refuge for those throwbacks who like their brew without the attitude.

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