Best Online News Source


READERS' PICK: Local Internet service provider StarNet is the online version of the Arizona Daily Star, plus a general gateway to the Internet. Though the Star is the default homepage for StarNet, it's jazzed up by NewsLinks, which link Star stories to related outside web sites, a decent search engine to find those important old stories, and Dispatches, an online magazine. StarNet does a good job of keeping customers happy, sometimes with the little things like dedicated Quake servers and updates on the infrequent system problems. Much to StarNet's credit, it has stayed ahead of the technology curve, buying modems before busy signals become a problem, updating those modems to 56kbs technology, and even initiating plans to provide expensive but ludicrously fast ISDN service. Thankfully, StarNet doesn't control access to content like some service providers, so you can go anywhere your adult sensibilities take you.

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