Best Economic News

The Minimum-Wage Initiative

READERS' PICK: You've got to hand it to those plucky folks with the People's Congress for Social and Economic Justice. In a bid to conquer the hydra-headed monster of economic inequality in our low-wage town, they gathered enough signatures to put a $7-an-hour minimum wage on the November ballot, even though the state Legislature had passed a law earlier this year prohibiting Arizona cities from establishing minimum wages higher than the federal level. So, after all that work, the wage issue has still been tossed off the ballot, although an appeal is pending. We ask: Why stop at $7 an hour? Why not just establish a $20-an-hour minimum wage, which would ensure we all make $40,000 a year? God knows we all deserve it.

READERS' POLLRUNNER-UP: Microsoft hits the dusty trail outta Dodge.

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