Best Bus Station

Tohono Tadai Transit Station
4540 N. Stone Ave.

STAFF PICK: The Tohono Tadai Transit Station is like a glimpse into some parallel universe where Tucson is a well-run city with a world-class public transportation system. With benches rumored to be air-conditioned (we haven't experienced this ourselves) and imaginative urban design, Tohono Tadai actually feels inviting. At night, the purple, pyramidic shade ramadas light up and, from a distance, take on the translucent quality of some sort of manmade amethyst geode. Our favorite innovations, however, are architect Bob Vint's playful, cast-concrete sculptures in the middle of the station. While parents flip through the paper and wait for the bus, pint-sized future power-brokers draw their battle lines in the sand. At this crossroads to some other dimension, bulldozers are aesthetically appealing, and horned-toads are blessed with a fighting chance. Maybe if we get on the right bus, we can get there.

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